Discipline is a characteristic shared by the most successful, since it allows them to adopt positive habits that are reflected in their ability to achieve goals. Hence the importance of learning how to be more disciplined.
In addition, being disciplined influences our happiness, as shown by the study carried out by Wilhelm Hoffman, professor of psychology at the University of Cologne (Germany).
The main reason is that people with greater self-control do not let their impulses and feelings dominate their decisions.
Activities such as getting up early, adopting reading habits, going to the gym or having a healthy diet require discipline and for this reason the question arises: How to be more disciplined.
We can find discipline in two ways:
- The first, when we do what we believe is right because there is an “oppressive entity” that imposes it on us.
- The second (ideally), when we can align our values with our objectives, in such a way that we can do what we know is right because there is a motivation.
Also read: Infallible strategies that super productive people use before bed.
Yokoi Kenji is a Colombian-Japanese entrepreneur known for his social work. Yokoi has the look of two completely different worlds: the oriental (Japan) and the Latin American.
It is well known that Orientals have more discipline, so your opinion is totally valuable; since he knows and understands what we Latin Americans are doing wrong that prevents us from achieving discipline.
For Yokoi discipline is the result of 3 factors:
How to be more disciplined in an undisciplined world.
1. Organization.
A clear difference, according to Yokoi, is that the Orientals have the habit of “baptizing” the position for each thing. For example, the place for the keys, the place for the shoes, and this makes it easier for them to remember, take habits, and know how to be more disciplined.
2. Cleaning.
It refers to eliminating things: what is useless, that does not get in the way. Japan is a small country and for this reason each space is more valued. On the contrary, in Latin American cultures we have the habit of saving and saving without a purpose. The goal is to be able to get rid of the old.
3. Punctuality.
What the Japanese say, he does. This is because in Eastern culture, Yokoi explains, there is no room for double meaning; that’s why phrases like: I’ll be there in a secondthey are not understood. Since being so “literal” with their expressions, they do not allow for errors.
We must understand punctuality with commitments to others but also with ourselves.
Yokoi ends with the following conclusion: When the organization makes love to cleaning, a baby called discipline is born in the womb of punctuality.
If you want to know more about Yokoi, you can follow him on his YouTube channel.
And here we leave you one of his videos where he talks about the 3 factors that lead to discipline:
Well, we hope that this will allow you to improve your way of seeing things and know how to be more disciplined.
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.