In this article you will know how to be a millionaire in 5 steps. Before you start reading, I must warn you that if you expect magic formulas or secret recipes, you better not read it.
I remember when I was a kid, I used to talk to my dad and tell him that I wanted to know how to be a millionaire before I was 30 years old.
Not sarcastic, but a bit skeptical, he always replied, “I bet you’ll make it.”
To everyone’s surprise, I did it.
While money seemed to be my focus at first, it became my farthest concern over the years. It is very interesting to realize how success helps us prioritize what drives us.
However, let’s say you’re like me 12 years ago: broke (or at least you don’t know how to be a millionaire) living in a tiny apartment, with very little other than a full tank of ambition and a fierce dedication to winning. How to achieve your goals?, how to belong to the club of millionaires?
More importantly, how do you do it by maintaining a good reputation, not dying of stress, and creating a life full of relationships and joy?
That is precisely what I have learned over the years. My advice isn’t easy or quick, but it’s more likely to work compared to the sea of get-rich-quick programs you find online.
Do you want to know how to be a millionaire?
How to be a millionaire.
1. Change your motivation for money.
At age 25, he had already achieved a net worth of $1 million. I was still in debt, I was still living in the same apartment, but at least I had gotten a salary of $48,000 from my own company. I was getting results.
It was at that moment that my heart changed. After asking myself the following question: “If Jesus created a company, what would it be like?” My motivation changed from financial success to impact success.
I started a project called Sevenly, a company with a mission to give $7 to charity for every product sold.
My world was waiting to be able to give food to those who did not have it; to rescue girls victims of sex trafficking; to care for orphans; but more importantly, he wanted to create a thriving company filled with love and respect.
“Becoming a millionaire was not even on the radar”
In just 3 years he had 50 employees, $6.5 million in profit, and had given over $4 million to charity.
I wrote a record-breaking book called People Over Profit and this was the result.
You will never be a millionaire without helping others.it’s that easy.
Think about what problem you would like to solve and what human needs are begging for someone like you to solve them.
2. Start playing the 5x bounty game.
Warthon University professor Adam Grant proved in his book Give and Take that people who frequently give what they have are more financially successful than those who don’t.
However, this is more complex than being generous. In my experience you must have something valuable to offer.
If your goal is to be a millionaire, you must surround yourself with people who are. The problem is that people with money need almost nothing from anyone. To be honest, they are always on their guard to help someone who needs something from them.
But how could he offer this?
In 2009 I started acquiring large social media accounts. I worked on these accounts by posting motivational content and viral images, to the point that book authors and business owners started looking for me; because they needed my audience to continue their success.
Later that year, a wide variety of successful individuals began offering me money to promote their books and products.
However, never accept the money.
On the contrary, I provided them with this service completely free of charge and I did it repeatedly. Sometimes I would drive 10,000 visitors to an author’s website, simply because I liked his book.
This naturally created a reciprocal effect, and as a result, these people felt indebted to me.
As a reward, they introduced me to other successful leaders, put me in touch with companies that would pay for expensive advertising campaigns; and ultimately, they became great acquaintances.
So be generous, but first create something valuable to give. For me it was my hearing, what is it for you?
3. Change your idea of creating money, for creating impressive things.
I have met many people who create companies to make money. I have also met people who create companies to feed their passions.
There is a big difference. Some people work to make money; the more they work, the more money they make. What they do doesn’t matter to them, as long as it makes them money.
Other people make money because it will allow them to do more. Like improving your product, writing another book, shooting a new movie. Also, they love what they do and they make money because it is a means to do more of what they love.
They dream of companies that create the best products and the money is simply a way to feed their passions.
While it is possible to find a nonsensical product that generates millions of dollars, the most successful entrepreneurs learn how to make money and how to be millionaires by doing what they love. The great Walt Disney said it:
We don’t make movies to make money, we make money to make more movies.
4. Bring out your talents and become a master.
One of my favorite phrases is:
Obsessed is the word the lazy use to describe the dedicated Click To Tweet
The word obsessed Y millionaire they go so well together, it’s like a disease you want to have. An addiction in its purest form, manageable by its biggest victims.
If you know me well, you’ll know I’m a fan. For everything I do I give 100%.
For example, today I was walking with a friend who asked me if I had ever been a fan of games. My wife quickly responded, “No, he has always been afraid of those things that take up time that he could spend on his priorities.”
And it’s true. My extreme dedication has left my 20 years full of traces of sacrifice and lost experiences. But it is also the reason why my family and children can enjoy my money and now I can work whenever I want during my 30s.
However, I have always been focused on one thing: Become the best marketing person in the world.
It is this vision that has forced me to read more than 100 books, to delve into design theory, to go beyond talking and generating results and to understand what really makes the human mind work. Steve Jobs expressed it this way:
What do you think you can be the best at? What keeps you up all night? What part of your personality is prepared to succeed?
If you can exploit your ability to focus, fight discouragement and work on your generosity; eventually you will be good and later on you will be awesome.
But a few years later you will be the best and perhaps without noticing it you will be a millionaire. At least that’s how it worked for me.
5. Most importantly, put your dreams into action and kill the employee mentality.
It is very difficult to understand how to be a millionaire if you are an employee. Starting your own business is definitely the path of least resistance.
But I can hear your thoughts: “I don’t know how to start a company.”
I did not know it either. At the end of 2013 I changed my heart and I no longer wanted to build, but to teach. My mission was to teach what I had learned by helping others build businesses and lives they love.
After locking myself in my office for about 160 hours, I created Startupcamp, a 12-month program where I guide entrepreneurs, bloggers, and dreamers to build their own businesses.
I hope that these 5 steps allow you to adopt the right mentality to create not only the fortune you want, but also a life free of ties to be happy at all levels 🙂
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.