In this article you will learn the history of class passa startup that is worth more than 400 million, and that shows that if you want, you can also fulfill your dreams.
Is creating a company only for geniuses?……We are used to seeing great personalities from the world of entrepreneurship on unattainable pedestals; Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, Jack Ma, Larry Page and others.
They have in common not only great fortunes; also a great intellect that catapulted them to the top.
Not in vain, every day I hear people say that because they are not “technological geniuses” they are condemned to continue in their jobs that do not satisfy them; or that their ideas will not be able to come true because they do not have the necessary knowledge… (If you think that these “arguments” are nothing more than EXCUSES, you are in the right place).
Also read: Neither talent nor intelligence are essential factors for success. This is.
With this I do not want to insinuate that starting and creating a company is for everyone, or that it is something simple, but I do want to make it clear that if you have an idea, perseverance to execute it and wisdom to recognize when you should change direction; You don’t have to be a “genius” to build your dreams.
An example of this is Payal Kadakia.
Payal Kadiaka and the origin of Classpass.
After graduating and working for major companies, Payal Kadakia saw an opportunity and now his company is valued at over $400 million.
In 2010, when Payal wanted to sign up for dance classes, she realized that it was more difficult to find and sign up than the dance itself. So she decided to create a viable alternative that would eliminate that frustration.
That was the “call to action” that gave rise to Classtivity, founded by Payal Kadakia and Mary Biggins.
Classtivity, the first version of the dream.
Classtivity was a search engine that made it possible to find classes in more than 8,000 establishments in New York City. In addition, it offered the possibility of registering, all on the same platform.
Everything seemed very promising, but for various reasons the chances of success were clouding over; until one day Payal was robbed and she decided that she should work on her body strength.
At that time, he understood that he could incorporate many more services to his platform and also changed the monetization system; the user had to pay only 99 dollars per month and could sign up for unlimited classes of dance, yoga, pilates, kickboxing, etc. All this was done under the name that the platform currently has, Classpass.
Classpass and your path to success.
Currently Classpass has made reservations for more than 17 million classes and works in more than 30 cities in different countries.
Regardless of the ups and downs, it has always been a draw for investors. Proof of this is that it has had series A, B and C investment rounds and has managed to raise more than 80 million dollars.
In 2015 alone, Google Ventures injected $30 million into the project.
It doesn’t take a genius, it just takes an idea and determination.
Do you have a business idea? If not yet, look around you, analyze your needs, think about how you can shorten processes and provide better solutions to problems. It is not an easy process, but if you make it a habit, you will find business opportunities 🙂
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can purchase our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.