Regardless of what area you work in, it is important that you know about the digital world. For this reason we share these google courses that you can take for free and that they also give you a certificate.
Depending on the course, the certificate is issued directly by Google. Like this one I took recently:
Certificates can give your resume more seriousness and above all, take these google online courses free It will allow you to expand your knowledge of the digital world and therefore your possibilities of generating income.
This will depend on the skills that you need to strengthen the most to boost your business or obtain a job.
In all courses, you will first have to go through certain lessons in which you will be taught the basic pillars of the course’s theme and at the end you will do an evaluation. If you pass it, you will receive the certification.
If you want some inspiration to encourage you to become certified, watch this short video:
Google courses free and with certification.
The courses that you will find below are on Google platforms, such as “Google activate”, “Google Skillshop” or “Google Garage Digital”. The advantage is that once you register and start learning, you will be able to access a Dashboard where you will see your progress. In addition, you have the possibility of easily accessing the certificates that you acquire.
Google Ads certifications
Google Ads is the platform that unites companies that have advertising to display, and people who have spaces to display that advertising. To give you a simple example, look at the following banner:
This sample is just one of many that Google Ads handles. If you want to fully understand how it works and become a strategic ally for companies that seek to optimize their resources while achieving their marketing objectives; these Google courses with free certificate they’re for you.
Analytics Academy
This is the official course description:
“The exam Google Analytics Individual Qualification covers the basics and advanced concepts of Google Analytics, including planning and fundamentals; implementation and data collection; configuration and administration; conversion and attribution; and reports, metrics, and dimensions.”
Google Analytics Individual Qualification
I took this course some time ago (it taught me quite useful tips) and this is the certificate:
Marketing Platform
Marketing Platform is a suite of tools for analyzing data from websites, apps, running tests, and more. The great advantage and the reason why I recommend getting certified is that for small companies, the solutions offered by Google Marketing Platform are free.
each of the 4 google courses that you will find below, delivers certification. To make the flow a bit easier for you, I suggest you click here and decide what subject you want to study. After that, you can enter to take the exam to obtain the certificate in the subject you want.
I don’t need to tell you what YouTube is, but if you want to fully understand how it works in terms of monetization and music rights; I recommend that you take these free and certified Google courses.
You may also be interested: The history of Google: From a garage to being a millionaire.
Waze was bought by Google in 2013 for more than $900 million. And it is not surprising, since the marketing opportunities offered by mobility applications are incredible.
If you want to know how advertising works in Waze, certify yourself at the following link.
Waze Ads Fundamentals
Google Ad Manager
Ad Manager offers powerful tools that are tailored to the needs of growing businesses, making it an exciting opportunity to dive deeper and become certified.
Increase advertising revenue with Google Ad Manager
Google AdMob
Google AdMob refers to “ADvertisment” and “MOBile”. That is to say, it is in charge of advertising on mobile devices. It is very possible that you have used apps in which advertising appeared. This course will teach you the best practices to increase the income of your brand, or that of your client.
Get started with Google AdMob
Basic concepts of digital marketing (the most complete)
This is the official course description:
“Master the basic concepts of digital marketing with our free course that is endorsed by the IDB (Inter-American Development Bank) and by the OIJ (International Youth Organization for Ibero-America). Explore the 26 modules (all created by Google trainers) that include practical exercises and real-world examples to help you turn knowledge into action.”
Go to the course
Protect your Business: Cybersecurity in Teleworking.
Teleworking became part of the reality of many employees and employers. That is why it becomes necessary to be aware of how to make this practice totally secure so that privacy and productivity are not affected.
Protect your Business: Cybersecurity in Teleworking
Digitize your business step by step with Google My Business and YouTube
This is the official course description:
“If you are thinking of digitizing your small business, this is the perfect time to take the first steps. In this basic and very practical course you will learn how tools such as Google My Business, YouTube or Google Forms work. We will accompany you step by step so that your business is visible on the Internet and ensure that your products and services reach more customers”.
Go to the course
Digital transformation for employment.
This is the official course description:
“Discover the main present and future areas of the digital sector and the new professional profiles that are emerging. Acquire the necessary professional skills, create your individual transformation plan and prepare for the future of work”.
Go to the course
cloud computing.
We always hear that information is in the “cloud”, but not everyone really knows how it works. Your company can benefit from this incredible technology, since you will have better access to information and, quite possibly, reduce hardware costs.
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Digital skills for professionals.
This is the official course description:
“Learn the basic digital skills that will help you adapt as a professional to the current work environment. To do this, you will learn the keys to keep your operating system updated, techniques for solving problems, some fundamental aspects of security, rules for the correct treatment of information, tools for creating content and managing communication and, finally. , skills that will facilitate your work in this new digital environment”.
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Mobile Apps Development Course.
A large number of ventures are leveraged on apps. Have a great idea for an app? This is one of the most interesting Google courses, since you will learn the basic principles of programming and design.
Go to the course
Introduction to Web Development Course: HTML and CSS (1/2)
All companies and businesses benefit from having a website. This allows them to improve their SEO. If you don’t know how to create it, here you will learn how to program it. If you need a faster way, this step-by-step guide to creating a website will get you done in no time.
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Introduction to Web Development Course: HTML and CSS (2/2)
If you took the first part and want to know more, in this second installment you will learn about the CSS language that allows you to make more complex and elaborate web pages.
Go to the course
Personal Productivity
It is useless to have the best idea and an incredible business plan, if you do not behave up to the task and your productivity does not go hand in hand with what your project needs.
Go to the course
Digital transformation for employment
In this Google course you will learn about the new areas of the digital sector that are emerging and which profiles are most needed. Thus, you will be able to complement your profile with the knowledge that will be most in demand in the future.
Go to the course
electronic commerce
If you are looking to sell your products online, this is one of the Google courses you need. You will no longer depend solely on a physical point, now you can use the internet to reach many more customers.
Go to the course
At this point we have already seen 30 free google courses with certification and in Spanish. Next, you will find Google courses in English, but first I would like to ask you a favor. Simply vote from 1 to 5 to see how you’ve found this article so far. Thank you very much!
Free online Google courses in English.
Udacity is another of the many platforms that seek to democratize education, and many of its courses have value. However, we can also find free content. Like these free google courses in English.
It should be noted that unlike the first courses, these DO NOT GIVE CERTIFICATION.
Before you start you must register. It won’t take you more than 1 minute.
If you see some google courses of your interest, you simply have to click on the link. Once you enter, you will find some features such as the topics you will see and the duration of the course.
Finally, to enter, you must click on Start Free Course.
If it is your first course, they will do a very simple survey, and then you can start learning.
42 free google courses in English.
In Android programming:
In web programming:
On other topics:
You already know 30 google courses in Spanish to enhance your knowledge in different digital areas. We hope they will be of great help to you and that you can share them with everyone you know.
It is very important that you put your knowledge into practice. Otherwise, you will forget most of what you learn.
Finally, if you want more preparation alternatives, the platforms Coursera Y udemy They have many courses that may interest you:
Many successes!
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.