In this article you will know the 8 steps you must follow to learn how to create company. Additionally, you will find additional material to prepare and learn more to complete each of the steps.
You have a business idea that you know can become a great company, but you don’t know how to turn that dream into a tangible reality. Don’t know where to start?
Starting a business is like climbing a mountain or riding a bike, it may seem intimidating, but if you focus on taking one step at a time, you will soon reach your goal.
It will take time, you will go through difficulties, but if you are persistent and passionate about what you are doing, you will soon start to see results that will keep you motivated along the way.
To be clear, in this article you will not find legal documentation that you must fill out, since for each country the process is different. However, you will find information that will allow you to structure any business; no matter where you are.
Follow the following list to the letter and step by step to establish all the bases you need to know how to create a company.
How to create company.
1. You must do a market study.
Make sure that your business idea is really viable. If you realize that it is not, make the necessary changes. The only way to know the viability of your idea is through a market study.
Ask yourself the hard questions before you start to avoid the difficulties later.
If you don’t know how to do a market study, you can learn it right now by clicking here.
2. Create a business model.
Entrepreneurs tend to confuse a business model with a business plan. The big difference is that writing a business plan is viable when there is already a proven model.
When a company is starting or is in the startup stage (Read also: What is a startup and what is a company) you do not know a lot of information and for that same reason it is essential to do market research.
The objective of a startup is to determine which are the best methods for the perfect operation and development of a business idea; namely creating a business model.
For example, a startup doesn’t even know who its customers are or what its product should be like. That’s why you need a model.
Alexander Osterwalder, co-founder of strategyzer.com and author of the book Business Model Generation, has developed the Business Model Canvas, which has been used by companies such as Coca Cola, General Electric and Lego; to test, build and manage your new business models.
If you want to know more about the Canvas business model and how to do it, you can do it in the articles that you will find below.
Additional material:
3. Examine the different business structures.
Read about the different legal business structures you can adopt and decide which is the best option for your start-up.
Not many new businesses will start life as a limited company; most likely you will need to register as an individual trader or find a trading partner.
4. Create a business plan.
Do you already know how your business works and have you built a proven model? It’s time to make a business plan.
You wouldn’t build a house without a plan, so don’t start a business without a plan. A well-thought-out, professional business plan will not only provide your company with clear direction in the event of unexpected events; it can also be vital to guarantee investment.
Learn to decide on the objectives of your business and your personal goals, how to establish the value of your company, its vision and mission. Also how to adapt your business plan to different audiences.
If you want to know how to make a business plan, read the following articles.
Additional material:
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5. Choose a name for your business.
Everyone knows the importance of choosing the right business name. An effective and memorable business name can be the difference between failure and success for your company.
One of the mistakes that you should avoid is creating confusion with the names of the competition; as it can lead to lost sales and legal action.
Before determining the name of your company, investigate that there is no one with the same name; And if it exists, that it is not in the same industry.
What would be the implications of choosing the same name? Is there a registered trademark? Is the domain for the creation of your website available?
If you want to know how to choose the name that will make your company successful, read the following articles.
Additional material:
6. Design a logo.
A logo is often the first thing potential customers see and is therefore crucial to making the right impression.
If you’re new to this, the options available may seem overwhelming, but there are certain rules you can follow to design the perfect logo for your business. Get to know them by clicking here.
7. Register a domain name and create a website.
After you start working, clients will want to find out more about you and the first place they will go is the internet. So make sure you get there early and register a domain name and have a web presence.
To achieve this, we recommend you follow this guide. (When you click, you will find a guide to create a blog, but the steps are the same as those you need to register a domain and create a website)
8. Get your finances in order.
This is essential to learn how to create company. Before you begin, set up a bookkeeping and cash flow system, so you don’t get bogged down with bills and receipts for the month.
If you plan to grow your business, then money is worth taking care of.
Especially for a beginner, taking on an accountant can be very expensive. However, it can give long-term results.
Learn a few basic rules to make sure you keep costs as low as possible. Read some articles below to start working on your company’s finances.
Additional material.
There is absolutely nothing that guarantees that your business will be successful. But you can do things to maximize your chances of getting started on the right foot and learning how to create company.
Follow these steps, you will see that in the process you will learn many things and you will identify others that you had not even imagined and that are very important.
We hope this information is very helpful and we wish you much success with your business 🙂
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can purchase our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.