In this article you will know the 3 reasons why the best time to start a business is today. We hope you get motivated and take the leap!
Take the test, ask 10 people what they think about starting a business and 7 or more will answer the same thing. They all want to do it, but they think it’s too hard. They believe that they do not have enough experience, that they do not have a good idea, and the main excuse: that they do not have enough money.
In general we are pessimists, we see more the negative than the positive in everything that happens in our lives. And not only that. We also have an incredible ability to compare ourselves and think that we are not as good as other people who have managed to undertake.
Do you think that everything is already invented? Do you think that before it was easier to create a company? Have you ever had the idea that after Apple, Microsoft or Facebook no one will be so lucky?
Jon Westenbergan entrepreneur, writer and creative, thinks the opposite, and this is what he expresses in his most recent post for the portal medium.com.
In his experience helping other entrepreneurs to create and develop new products, he is 100% sure that the best time to start a business is today, and he gives the following reasons.
3 reasons why the best time to start a business is today
1. It was never so cheap before.
Starting a business is incredibly cheap, all thanks to the magic of the internet. Starting your business online only requires registering a domain, buying a hosting, investing a little in web design and for just under $100 you will have your website up and running. (Click here if you want to learn how to create a website)
Obviously, depending on the business model you are looking for, you may need more money; but the essentials to start will not cost you an arm and a leg.
“You don’t need a heavy capital investment to found a small startup, all you need is guts”
If you need money for your venture, read the following article: What is crowdfunding and how to use it.
2. You can build international teams.
Finding a partner and even building your team shouldn’t be limited to the people you know. Previously it was a process with few options and that you had to do face to face.
However, the internet gives us the opportunity to find talented people in all corners of the planet.
Currently many companies are built by teams that work from different parts of the world; all thanks to platforms that allow them to communicate 24/7.
“When you have the world’s population interconnected and at your fingertips, believe me, the hard part won’t be finding a partner, but choosing one”
3. Tools and platforms.
Everything you need for your business is right there, on your smartphone or on your laptop. Applications, software and platforms available instantly and free to leverage your venture; something unimaginable in the past.
If the service you need is not free, you will only have to pay a few dollars for a monthly subscription. And best of all, they are very easy to use.
The only obstacle that exists for you to do things is your own knowledge. But don’t be afraid, everything is available on the net.
You have applications, tutorials, online courses and even teachers who can provide the knowledge you need. Everything you need to learn can be found for a minimal cost.
Take a look at websites like Coursera.org or Udemy.com and you will realize the infinite possibilities we have to learn.
“We don’t have many valid excuses for not starting our own company”
If you want to create a business, all you need to do is find the time and take care of every second to work on it. If you don’t, you will miss out on great opportunities that in the end will only lead you to regret it. The moment is now!
If you are really interested in creating your own business and want to find more information on this subject, buy our book “How to create a company while you work. Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.