There is one thing that all companies yearn for but few achieve: Innovation.
Entrepreneurs who have a vision and can execute it at the right time; They are the ones who stand out for being the heads of incredible projects.
Facebook, YouTube, Airbnb, among others; They are projects that broke the mold and that allows them to be one step above their competitors.
And when we talk about innovation it is impossible not to think about the story of Elon Musk. Some of the great innovations of this entrepreneur have been the creation of PayPal, Tesla Motors and SpaceX.
Elon Musk is an inventor, investor, physicist, and example of entrepreneurship for future generations. He recently stated that he wanted to send two nuclear bombs over the sky of Mars, so that they would fulfill the function of “suns”. These bombs would explode from time to time to keep the planet Mars warm and to make it habitable for us.
This is just a sample of what it is to think “out of the box”.
Musk is 48 years old, ranks #40 among the world’s millionaires and accumulates a fortune of 22 trillion dollars according to Forbes magazine (09/12/19). Few know about innovation like him and that is why we want to share Elon Musk’s 10 tips for all entrepreneurs.
Elon Musk’s 10 tips for all entrepreneurs.
1. The first step is to establish that something is possible, then, with effort, it will probably happen.
2. It is important to see knowledge as a semantic tree. Make sure you understand the fundamental principles, the trunk and branches first before the leaves and details; or there will be nothing to hold on to.
3. Any product that needs a manual to work is damaged.
4. If we look back a few hundred years, what we take for granted today was magic. Being able to talk to other people over a long distance, transmit images, fly. All of that was considered magic a few years ago.
5. I think it is important to have feedback, where you are constantly thinking about what you have done and how you could do it better.
6. Failure is an option. If you’re not failing, you’re not innovating enough.
7. I have come to the conclusion that we must aspire to increase the scope and scale of human consciousness in order to better understand what questions to ask. Actually, the only thing that makes sense is to fight for greater collective enlightenment.
8. Being an entrepreneur is like eating glass and looking into the abyss of death.
9. Starting a company is like cooking a cake: you have to have all the ingredients in the right proportion.
10. Work hard, 80 to 100 hours a week. This will increase the chances of success. If other people dedicate 40 hours a week and you dedicate 100, if they are doing the same, you will achieve in 4 months what they will achieve in a year.
We hope this motivates you and encourages you to achieve all your goals 🙂
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And remember that if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can purchase our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.