In this article you will learn how to think like richso you can change your mentality and thus change your life.
Do you feel jealous to see how some people know how to accumulate so much money in their bank accounts that they can do whatever they want?
They buy the best, they go to the best places, they go on vacation to places you think you will never be able to visit; And they even have money to donate!
If you’re going to be envious of them, it’s good to be envious, but not for their money. Envy their discipline, their motivation, their perseverance, their effort and determination to achieve what they set out to do.
It is better to awaken envy than to feel it, so instead of wasting your time thinking why they do have it and you don’t; start working to make others envious of you.
The first thing you should do is work on your mindset and learn how to think like a rich man.
Also read: Some of the richest men in the world thanks to the internet.
The rich don’t build their fortunes by accident. Achieving it requires vision and a lot of will; since the sacrifices you must make are those that most are not willing to face.
You will have to sacrifice part of your present for a better future, and dedicate yourself 100% to acquiring the habits you need to achieve it.
Find below the 5 commandments to learn how to think like a rich person:
How to Think Like a Rich: The 5 Commandments.
1. Stop thinking like poor.
I know it seems silly and quite logical, but let me elaborate.
One of Albert Einstein’s best quotes is the following:
The world we have created is the product of our thoughts and cannot be changed if we do not change our way of thinking.
Our thoughts are so powerful that they can transform the future. Only small changes in our way of thinking, or incorporating good habits; They can turn your life around 180 degrees.
To start, eliminate the following thoughts:
- Thinking that everything is against you.
- That you don’t have opportunities
- Thinking that you should wait for a better job.
- That you have no money or resources.
- Thinking that you need someone to help you.
The problem with these thoughts is that the world will never be in your favor. If you keep blaming everyone but yourself for your misfortunes, you automatically lose control of reversing the situation.
The rich search, investigate, make mistakes, learn, invent and take risks. They do everything with an intention and with a goal, always convinced that they can achieve it. And if they fail, they find the error and correct it.
Click here to learn how the rich and poor think about 12 fundamental issues. You will see that the difference is abysmal.
2. Think of everything as an investment.
People with money think of “investment” instead of “spending.” Some millionaires may waste their money on luxuries and unnecessary things; but those who maintain and grow their fortunes invest their money wisely.
Just because a promotion looks tempting doesn’t mean you have to take advantage of it. Instead, ask yourself if you really need that product. And think if there will actually be negative effects from not buying it.
Evaluate carefully if what you spend your money on will generate any benefit before making the decision, and do everything possible to avoid these unnecessary expenses.
Remember that it is essential to learn how to save, so that you have more capital to invest.

3. Start your projects as soon as possible.
The sooner you put your money to work, the more time it will have to grow. Regardless of how you earn your money, whether you are an employee or have your own business; every income is an opportunity to invest.
Previous weeks we shared an article in which we explained the importance of compound interest and how time is a fundamental key to the growth of your money.
If you want to know some examples that will explain the importance of starting to save and invest as soon as possible, click here.
4. Live as if you were poor.
Pretending is one of our biggest problems, since it is one of the reasons why we waste money.
Did you know that Warren Buffett, CEO of Berkshire Hathaway and one of the richest men in the world, has not had substantial changes in his lifestyle since he built his entire fortune.
Despite being the most recognized investor in the world, he still lives in the same house he bought in 1958, goes to McDonald’s, loves cherry Coca Cola and doesn’t have luxury cars.
Additionally, you don’t spend money on technology you don’t need. And pay close attention to frequent expenses like internet bills, cell phone bills, and taxes.
Have you seen Mark Zuckerberg dressed in something other than a T-shirt and jeans? The Facebook founder drives a modest Volkswagen and also eats at McDonald’s.
He argues that he lives a modest life to allow himself to make as few unimportant decisions as possible; to focus on those who truly contribute to their community.
Make a budget and you will realize that you can save money.
5. Mentalize yourself to create multiple sources of income.
To learn how to think like richyou should know that your fortune will not depend on your salary.
You may have one main source that generates much of your income, but you can’t trust that source to last forever.
On the contrary, throughout their careers the rich have created multiple sources of money; that allow them not only to significantly increase their capital, but also to diversify risk.
You can get extra jobs, lend your services as a consultant, sell products. Anyway, there are many profitable businesses that will help you generate more money.
Remember that each of your expenses must be planned and budgeted. This is how the rich manage their money and how you should from now on.
Learning how to think like a rich man is the first step to having a winning mindset. Mentality that will allow you to find more opportunities and know how to take advantage of them.
Never forget that if you change your mind, you change your life.
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.