In this article you will know the 5 things you should not do if you want to take care of your labor relations.
No matter how talented you are, or how much you have achieved in your professional career; there are certain behaviors that instantly change the way people perceive you. Remember that the more balance you find in your work relationships, the better the overall result will be.
The following list contains some of the most notorious behaviors that you should avoid at all costs in your work:
Do not do this if you want to take care of your labor relations.
1. Take credit for other people’s work.
Sometimes you will have felt discomfort when you realize that someone else has taken credit for your work.
Stealing ideas completely affects your working relationships, because it shows that you have little or no respect for yourself or your colleagues. As well as it denotes that you are not capable of creating initiatives on your own.
2. Attack from behind.
This expression says it all. Talking about your colleagues behind the back, or even doing improper actions against them; it is a huge source of conflict in your workplace.
One of the most common ways in which this type of conflict arises is when you are trying to solve a problem; but instead of trying to solve it, you are trying to find guilty.
Every time you make a colleague look bad in front of your coworkers, no matter what their mistake was; you are consciously or unconsciously creating a conflict. And accordingly, attacking your comrade from behind.
So better concentrate on finding solutions, and advise the person in question about the mistake made.
3. Gossip.
Yes, we know, who hasn’t gossiped at work? It is perhaps the place where you spend the most time during the week, which is why it is almost impossible not to talk about the people around you.
What you can do is avoid damaging your labor relations by rejoicing in their misfortunes and misfortunes.
By doing it this way, you are projecting yourself as someone negative and spiteful, which other people may not want around. (If you want to know how to project yourself as a true leader, click here)
4. Losing your composure.
You may seem to be the most peaceful person around you, get along with your colleagues most of the time, and generally be seen as a nice person.
However, when something does not go as expected, you lose control, yell, get angry and even throw things that are in your way.
That affable person with whom everyone felt identified once, was in the past. Your sudden lack of control only demonstrates the great emotional instability you are going through.
The lack of control of your emotions calls into question the confidence that others give you to carry out work tasks and keep everything under control in any type of situation.
Low control over your emotional intelligence during many events can only mean many more problems for you. Even until dismissal.
5. Report that you hate your job.
It may be that at some point you feel less motivated (see also: You want to know the secret to staying motivated), that your work has become a routine that you are no longer enjoying.
However, the last thing you want to hear at your workplace is someone complaining about how much they hate what they do. His bad energy and attitude will affect labor relations and work dynamics in general, just as it will be very easy for your bosses to detect it and start taking actions to avoid toxic people that affect productivity.
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can purchase our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.