We would all like to have the magic formula to achieve our dreams as quickly as possible and at the least effort. Ironically, it is something natural to want it and utopian for it to happen.
It is also true that it is not necessary to spend a lifetime preparing to face new challenges and unleash our entrepreneurial spirit when we are 70 years old.
Today we find different ways to learn from the experiences of others without having to live the experience itself. One way according to Tai Lopez, entrepreneur and investor, is to get mentors. In his TedTalk titled The law of 33%suggests that we divide our time into 3 equal parts:
- With people we can teach.
- With people who are at our level.
- With people from whom we can learn even more.
It also recommends reading, since many successful people have recorded their experience in pages that have the necessary information to make our journey a much more pleasant journey.
Would you be interested in learning from one of the favorite books of great businessmen like Bill Gates and Warren Buffett?
Surely yes, for this reason ModoEmprendedor wants to share some lessons from the book Business Adventureswritten by John Brooks.
Also read: Bill Gates recommends 6 amazing books for you to read before the end of 2015
The book tells 12 stories from the world of Wall Street, companies like Xerox and Ford Motor Company among others, they leave us teachings like these:
Teachings from one of Bill Gates’ favorite books.
- Innovators must keep innovating.
- Consumers can change their tastes at any time.
- Don’t launch a product before it’s ready.
- Don’t let egos be more important than research.
- Don’t put yourself in a situation you can’t get out of.
- Don’t trust yourself when success comes quickly.
- If you fail, accept it, learn from it, and move on.
- Sometimes the best option may be to start from scratch.
For Tai López, the most important teachings of the book Business Adventures are the following:
The opposite is often the best.
The average human is fooled into doing the wrong things with their money. When people are buying you should be selling. And when they are selling you should be buying from them.
Appearances are often deceiving
The expectation of an event creates a deeper impression than the event itself.
The only thing predictable is the unpredictable
A newbie asked JP Morgan what he thought was going to happen to the stock market. JP Morgan responded dryly: It will fluctuate.
Surely you want more knowledge that allows you to achieve your goals more easily. You already know, look for mentors and do not stop reading!
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business and want to find more information on this subject, buy our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.