The life of an entrepreneur is not easy. The first stages of every startup are full of obstacles, barriers, dead ends and wrong decisions. I have a lot of knowledge about entrepreneurship because I spent 5 years of my life studying 177 millionaires to understand exactly why and how they achieved success.
You can learn about this research in my book “Change your habits. Change your life”. One of the things that I share in this text is that every entrepreneur has certain routines that enable him to navigate the difficult path of creating a business avoiding all kinds of obstacles.
Also read: Your habits make success easy, difficult or impossible.
Behaviors of successful entrepreneurs.
1. They are obsessed with education.
Successful people educate themselves as if their lives depended on it. They read books, articles and follow blogs. They listen to podcasts and audiobooks. Watch TED talks, educational videos, and interviews with successful people on YouTube. According to my research, of the individuals analyzed, 88% read half an hour or more every day with the sole purpose of educating themselves.
Also read: If you want to make money, leave these 14 habits.
2. They look for expert mentors.
The most renowned businessmen sought out expert mentors in their disciplines, taking advantage of their knowledge and obviously their experience. According to my study, finding a mentor is the fast track to building wealth. 93% of the millionaires in my study attribute their success and wealth to their mentors.
Given that the median wealth of the individuals in my research was $4.3 million, that means finding a mentor is like having someone put $4.3 million into your bank account. Mentors ease our path to success.
3. They are action heroes in real life.
Successful entrepreneurs are like action heroes, and I say this because they act in scenarios where most people wouldn’t out of fear. They take action because they know it’s the only way to find out what works and what doesn’t. Action leads you to knowledge, learning and growth. They understand that in order to become successful they need to become those who have it.
4. They are process oriented.
When they find out what works, they document it. They create a series of processes that any team can follow. These processes automate success, reducing mistakes and errors.
5. They meet the apostles for their cause.
Successful people spend years finding and building a team of talented individuals. According to my research, it takes an average of 3 years to find the right team. An entrepreneur is quick to fire and slow to hire, since most have little capital to start with.
They don’t have the luxury of being with someone who doesn’t add value. A true entrepreneur diligently searches for talented individuals to create in their dreams and goals.
6. They don’t follow the herd.
A successful entrepreneur is not a follower. They are pioneers. By chasing a dream, they are forced to part with the herd. In the herd they are risk averse avoiding everything that is out of their comfort zone. On the contrary, an entrepreneur seeks the new and different. Those entrepreneurs who achieve success soon find themselves surrounded by their own herd.
Success attracts more and more people. The more people you can attract to the herd, the greater the success and the greater the wealth. Millionaires have hundreds in their herd, ten-millionaires have thousands, and billionaires have millions.
If you are really interested in creating your own business and want to find more information on this subject, buy our book “How to create a company while you work. Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.
This article was originally published on richhabits.net. Its translation and publication in ModoEmprendedor has been authorized directly by the author and cannot be reproduced by any other means.