By these dates the vast majority know what Bitcoins are. If not, in short, it is a virtual currency that works under a technology called Blockchain that allows transactions to be made without the need for intermediaries (I clarify again, in short).
Everyone wants to buy Bitcoins and it is logical, since it has had enormous growth. In 2009, when it was created, it had no value. By 2011, 1 Bitcoin was worth a dollar and according to the Coin Market Cap portal, currently 1 Bitcoin costs more than 16,000 dollars (as of December 14, 2017).
Throughout its history, the price has gone up and down, due to government approval and disapproval decisions, hacker attacks, among others.
Many see it as a great investment, if it has appreciated so much, why not buy Bitcoins, wait for it to appreciate more and sell? Sounds logical.
For others, it is simply a hoax and they see the rise in its price as a big bubble. Among them is the renowned “Wolf of Wall Street.”
For some people it doesn’t make sense to pay attention to the advice of a scammer, but I believe that beyond how he managed to amass fortunes, there are many things to learn.
Is it worth buying Bitcoins?
Jordan Belfort recently had this to say about Bitcoin in an interview for CNN:
“…It is the biggest scam, a huge, gigantic scam that will blow up in the faces of many people. It’s far worse than anything that’s ever been done…
…The promoters are perpetuating a massive scam of the highest order for everyone. Probably 85% of people do not have bad intentions, but the problem is that if 5% or 10% try to scam, it will be a fucking disaster…”
And it is not the first time that Jordan Belfort has given his opinion. For a long time he has been warning that it is a scam and it does not go back only to Bitcoins. Also to the other cryptocurrencies that are attracting the attention of many. Overall, most of these show incredible upside; be it Etherium, Dash, Litecoin and so on.
About 2 years ago I decided to buy Bitcoins and I remember that the price of Etherium was no more than 10 dollars, and now it is over 700 dollars!
Entrepreneur Mode doesn’t want to encourage you to buy Bitcoins but it also doesn’t want to discourage you from doing it.
We share with you the opinion of the “Wolf of Wall Street” so that you have knowledge of the perspective of other people. If you do a little more digging, you’re sure to find “reputable” people who are all for it.
The recommendation is that you find out as much as you can and as a suggestion: Do not throw the house out the window.
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.