In this article you will know why successful people never say these 7 phrases.
In our few years of life, we acquire one of the greatest responsibilities of every human being: watch what we say.
Our words have the power to save or damn us, to build or destroy, to make us succeed or fail. Therefore, there are things that successful people never say.
All of the above depends on the context. Depending on who you’re with, words that can make you seem smug can be a joke to others. That’s why it’s important to know what to say depending on the situation.
Also read: 4 words that will make you more interesting and successful.
In the workplace is where we must be more careful, since the wrong words in front of the least indicated person can make us look unprofessional.
Regardless of whether the work environment is hostile or everything is incredible, we cannot put our image at stake; and less for being careless with what we say.
Let’s see what they are:
Successful people never say…
1. “I’ll try”
We don’t start a business or get hired to try things, we are in that situation because we can achieve them!
Regardless of whether we should do something new, the less insecurities we show; better.
two.“No problem“
Saying this implies that when they ask you for something, it can be a problem. Faced with a request, the best alternative is a positive response, such as “of course”, “of course”, etc.
3. “It’s not fair”
How many things in life are fair? Maybe very few, so it’s not a good idea to let our innocent side out.
Also read: Tony Robbins’ secret to success.
Next we will see another 4 phrases that successful people never say, but first, we would like to ask you a favor. Simply vote from 1 to 5 to see how you’ve found this article so far. Thank you!
Let’s continue…
4. “That’s not what they hired me for”
If the request is not something crazy or that goes against your dignity, showing yourself willing and as a good element for the team will only bring positive consequences; as long as you don’t let others always take you as a lifeguard and your effort is not recognized.
5. “How tired”
What you say to the other members of the team can have serious consequences, since you do not know to which ears those words may reach.
Expressing laziness to carry out an activity only indicates that you will not do it correctly and that your attitude can infect the group.
We can all feel tired at some point, but it’s not our job to let others know. That’s why it’s important to know the symptoms, effects, and solutions to burnout.
6. “It’s not my fault”
Sometimes things can get out of control and there are bad results, or accidents, in which you are not a participant. The important thing is to always show unity and commitment in front of the group.
People who at first try to jump ship saying “this is not my fault” are projected as uncommitted and expendable members.
If it is not for something that is really hurting you, do what you can to help solve it and that everything continues in the best way.
7. “Don’t tell the boss”
Successful people never say this..
If you did something wrong, the right thing to do is face it like a grown-up person and head on. We all make mistakes and in the face of that reality there is nothing to do.
Do not let fear of retaliation play a trick on you and the group lose confidence in your abilities and in who you are as a person.
And don’t forget, no matter what happens, don’t talk bad about others; for the drama there are the movies. The whole group must be focused on creating the best environment possible, otherwise everyone is affected.
These phrases are often heard, but they are incredibly negative. If you want to project yourself in the best way, you should avoid them.
Remember that every word you say can unleash a world of possibilities, or close many doors for you.
I hope this information is of great help 🙂
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And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.