In this article you will know the habit to increase your IQall its benefits and how to acquire it.
As entrepreneurs we cannot let the tip of the iceberg make us forget everything that is underwater. Not that a few trees prevent us from seeing the whole forest.
Every day we see successful people and we wish we had what they have; but we can’t stop thinking about how they got it.
Among the winners we find several factors in common, both in personality traits and in their habits; and it is precisely from a habit that great people like Tony Robbins Y jack dorsey (co-founder of twitter) that we will discuss today: Meditation.
To explain how the habit of meditating increases IQ, we must know the following:
Crystallized Intelligence VS Fluid Intelligence.
There are 2 types of intelligence:
- Crystallized intelligence.
- fluid intelligence.
crystallized intelligence it refers to our ability to use the knowledge, skills and experiences acquired over the years. And it controls basically all the cognitive processes of the brain.
On the contrary, the fluid intelligence it is our ability to use logic and solve completely new problems. It is not about how much knowledge we have, but about skills such as creativity and innovation.
Reading a book, attending a course or listening to a podcast are enough to increase our crystallized intelligence, but What can we do to develop our fluid intelligence?
Studies have shown that meditation will dramatically improve your fluid intelligence and increase your IQ.
Does meditating increase your IQ?
Siegfried Othmer, president of the neurofeedback division of the Association for Applied Psychophysiology, has shown that meditation not only works to keep us emotionally stable and reduce stress.
Othmer conducted research, where he exposed participants to a meditation method called brain wave training. Those who used it increased their IQ by 23%.
Meditation will make you happier and connect you with the world. It is also the most effective tool to achieve your goals.
Real Examples.
“I’ve been building companies, rebuilding brands, and promoting artists for over 30 years, and I can promise you that no tool has made me smarter, more focused, and clarified my entrepreneurial thinking, than meditation,” says Russell Simons.
Maybe this name doesn’t tell you much, but if you like artists like Rihanna, Justin Bieber and Kanye West; Russell is partly to blame.
He is best known for being the co-founder of the Def Jam Records record company. He is also the creator of Argylecture and author of the successful books do you (Bestseller) and Super Rich.
Meditation for Simmons has many benefits and is also the most important cause of his success, so much so that he wrote the book Success Through Stillness Meditation Made Simple in which he shares tips that we must take into account to begin to approach meditation in a better way:
How to incorporate meditation into life?
1. Drop the excuses.
In his book, Simmons says that of all the excuses people make for not meditating, the most redundant is: “I don’t have time.”
But of the 24 hours a day, how many do we use to do things that we cannot postpone for any reason? Hmm… Sleeping 8, working 8, eating 2, sharing with the family 2? In this example there are 4 hours left and all we need is 20 minutes.
It is normal for us to make excuses when doing something that does not seem important to us, which is why it is vital to see meditation as a fundamental activity for our lives.
Let’s think about how much time and money we have invested in our academic preparation, in the gym or in eating healthier.
We do that because it is logical that it will help us, but isn’t it equal or more logical to invest time in something that increases your IQ?
Achieving success requires inner peace and the best way to achieve it is through meditation.
2. Leave prejudices.
Different types of meditation have been established.
Simmons practices Transcendental Meditation, which is based on the use of a mantra. The mantra has many origins and therefore meanings.
The most common example is the “Om”, but the mantra can be a prayer, a song, a word… it can be any sound (depending on the religion), which when repeated constantly fades other thoughts until the mind clears up. .
It is important to understand that you do not need to levitate or go into a trance for meditation to be successful. Even 20 minutes of fighting against our thoughts serves as a catharsis to see things with a cool head.
Also read: The true relationship between happiness and money.
3. Be patient.
Like everything in life, we see the benefits after a while.
By lifting a weight we do not tone our body, nor by eating a broccoli have we changed our eating habits.
For Matthieu Richard, a Buddhist monk called the “happiest man in the world” and famous for his excellent phrases, meditation is like watering a plant; You can’t add too much or too little water to it and you can’t stop watering it either because it dies.
Simmons believes that it is better to meditate for a short time several times and not for a long time between very long intervals.
Repetition is key, since the goal is to dye our minds with the color of our best thoughts.
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Increase your IQ through meditation, it’s easier than you think! You just have to spend a few minutes a day. It won’t be overnight, but the time invested will pay off.
Do not forget that the benefits of meditation are many. Do not deprive yourself of having a better future 🙂
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.