In this article you will know the studies that affirm that the smart ones are messythey go to bed late and say bad words.
Have your irate parents ever ordered you to tidy up your room, go to bed early, or scolded you for using bad language?
Apparently there are proven reasons for these behaviors. Some suggest this may be related to a high IQ.
Let’s see the following…
The smart ones are messy.
A study from the University of Minnesota suggests that a messy desk is a sign of intelligence. If you don’t spend a lot of time cleaning and organizing, it’s because your mind is busy with more important things.
Additionally, the study shows that disorder contributes to improving creativity.
Psychologist and scientist, Kathleen Vohs says: “Cluttered environments seem to inspire a break with traditions, which can lead to new ideas. On the contrary, orderly environments are related to compliance with rules, risk aversion and safe playing.”
Smart people use bad words.
Some think that those who use bad words have a limited vocabulary. But if you think about it carefully, those who don’t swear are the ones who limit their vocabulary. They intentionally use fewer words.
There is even a study that supports this statement. The results of the study showed that the people who are able to say the greatest amount of profanity in one minute; have higher IQ scores.
The study concludes that a rich vocabulary in these words shows a rhetorical strength in the individual.
the smart ones They go to bed late.
Do you like to stay up late? This can also be a sign of intelligence. Scientific studies have found relationships between going to bed late and IQ. Barack Obama, Carlos Darwin, Winston Churchill and Elvis Presley are famous for their nightlife.

There are many signs that show intelligence, but we must remember that there are different types of intelligence.
So affirming that the intelligent are messy does not exclude you from being intelligent in case you are extremely organized 🙂
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.