We have always been sold the idea that to be happy we must find what we are passionate about and what we are really good at; work hard at it and success will appear.
This formula definitely works. However, not all people are very good at specific things.
Some individuals are good at several things, but they are not the best. What if you don’t think you have any special skills or abilities?
Think if you consider yourself an average person for many activities…
If this is your case, don’t worry, most people experience the same situation.
So says Oliver Emberton, founder of Silktide. Rather than being a handicap, having knowledge and skills in various things is a really effective combination.
“Even when your skills are mediocre, a cunning combination of mediocrity can be turned into something very valuable.”
This works for any profession. An average entrepreneur can learn a little about law, design or body language; and surely she will have great advantages over his companions.
A clever combination of mediocrity can be transformed into something very valuable Click To Tweet
Emberton gives very clear examples. One of them is Bill Gates, who is neither the best programmer, nor the best salesman, nor the best speaker; but he is good enough to combine these skills and transform them into one of the richest men in the world.
He also gives the example of Will Smith, who is not the best actor or the best musician; but he has known how to mix these skills to become one of the most acclaimed stars in Hollywood.
What if you feel like you’re not good at anything?
You may think that you were not born with any special abilities. However, that doesn’t stop you from developing new skills. Some people are very lucky and are born with a talent. But let’s face it…for most this is not a reality.
If you believe that talent is necessary to succeed, you will never be able to achieve it. Click To Tweet
patrick allan, a writer for the LifeHacker portal, affirms that they have put it into our heads that if you are not blessed with a talent; you will have to settle for seeing how those who do have it succeed. And he says that is a thought far removed from reality.
“When you believe that talent is a fundamental piece of success, you have built a great barrier that will prevent you from achieving it”
Being a master at something clearly makes things easier, but not being one doesn’t make it impossible for you to achieve your goals either; no matter how big they are.
You can be good at something even if you don’t have the talent. It’ll just take a little longer, that’s all. In this case, the mixture of a little dedication and effort completely changes the picture; opening up the possibility that a talent can be learned.
If you want to be successful stop making excuses, research, learn, practice, apply, practice and keep practicing.
Half the battle is knowing that anything is possible and can be learned. Getting started is the hardest part; It is the moment when people think that everything is so complex that they get discouraged and give up.
Success is an equation that no one has been able to solve, since it has many variables. But keep in mind that innate talent is not an essential component of success.
On the contrary, discipline and passion will radically increase the chances of achieving what you set out to do.
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.