Robert Greene and Joost Eiffers were in charge of compiling a vast amount of information about the teachings left by the decisions made by great leaders and compiled them in the bestseller titled Robert Greene’s 48 Laws of Power.
Throughout history, key moments that changed the entire course of humanity can be identified, and in each of those moments, there were leaders who, with their decisions, defined the course of our history. Great entrepreneurs have been part of these changes.
Despite the fact that the book has been criticized for saying that certain rules are contradictory, it has been widely accepted; to the point of being quoted by different businessmen.
The publication has more than 1.2 million copies sold and translations into more than 20 languages, which has allowed it to become a bible of strategies that is equal to Sun Tzu’s masterpiece, The Art of War.
Below you can read the 48 laws of power applied by the most powerful leaders in the world:
The 48 laws of power.
- Never outshine your teacher.
2. Never trust your friends too much; Learn to use your enemies.
3. Disguise your intentions.
4. Always say less than necessary.
5. Almost everything depends on your reputation, defend it to the death.
6. Seek to stand out at any cost.
7. Get others to work for you, but never stop getting recognition.
8. Get people to come to you, use baits if necessary.
48 Laws of Power: #9
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9. Win through your actions, never through arguments.
10. Danger of contagion: avoid losers and wretches.
11. Make people depend on you.
12. To disarm your victim, use openness and generosity selectively.
13. When you ask for help, don’t appeal to people’s compassion or gratitude, but to their benefit.
14. Show up as a friend but act like a spy.
15. Completely crush your enemy.
16. Use absence to increase respect and honor.
17. Keep the suspense going. Cultivate an air of unpredictability.
18. Do not build fortresses to protect yourself: isolation is dangerous.
19. Know who you’re dealing with: don’t offend the wrong person.
20. Do not commit to anyone.
21. Pretend naivety to catch the naive: be dumber than your victim.
22. Use the surrender tactic. Turn weakness into power.
23. Focus your forces on something specific.
24. Play the perfect courtier role.
25. Have fun.
26. Keep your hands clean.
27. Play on people’s need to have faith in something, to get followers.
28. Be bold in action.
29. Plan your actions from start to finish.
48 Laws of Power: #30
31. Control the options: make others play with the cards you deal.
32. Play on people’s fantasies.
33. Discover the screw of each employee.
34. Act like a king or queen to be treated like one.
35. Master the art of opportunism.
36. Belittle the things you can’t get: ignoring them is the best of revenge.
37. Put together compelling shows.
38. Think as you want, but behave like others.
39. Stir the waters to ensure a good catch.
40. Belittle what is free.
41. Avoid walking in the shoes of a great man.
42. Strike the shepherd and the sheep will scatter.
43. Work on the hearts and minds of others.
44. Disarm and enrage with the mirror effect. (It refers to making our enemy believe that we use the same strategy as him, that way, they will never know what ours is)
45. Preach the need for change, but never change too much at once.
46. Never appear too perfect.
47. Don’t go beyond your original goal; when you succeed, learn when to stop
48. Do not assume any form. (Refer to the need to be changeable. Otherwise, our enemies will know what we are like and we will become easy targets.)
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And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.