We all have great ideas but on many occasions we need help to make them come true. One way is to get investment, which is why TV shows like Shark Tank are so successful. Are you interested in knowing how to get invested in shark tank?
As one of Shark Tank’s original investors, Robert Herjavec has seen his fair share of startups. He’s attended presentations for everything from an energy drink for cougars to a book that turns into a lamp.
Do you want to know Robert’s story? Click here.
Along the way, he learned what works and what doesn’t. And as a panelist, she’s always offered helpful and constructive advice, even if the recipient doesn’t deserve it.
Now in his ninth season on the show, the cybersecurity mogul offers entrepreneurs a few pointers to make their ideas stand out from the rest.
How to get investment in Shark Tank.
1. Know your numbers.
“I can’t count how many times we’ve met with companies that don’t even know their own numbers. Take the time, make the effort, and learn the ins and outs of every facet of your business. You must know where you stand financially to take the next step.”
2. Be open, not contradictory.
“When someone comes in to speak and they just don’t want to hear what we have to say, that’s a challenge. Just because you don’t like the feedback you’re getting doesn’t mean it’s wrong. You must be open to other people’s perspectives. When an entrepreneur doesn’t listen to us and gets defensive or aggressive, I know we’re not going to reach an agreement”.
3. Relax, breathe, repeat.
“To get investment in Shark Tank remember to slow down and tell us a story. You have to relax, take a deep breath, control your pace and calm your mind. Tell us your story and let your passion for the business shine through. Control those nerves.”
4. Be “Tom Brady.”
“You have to be passionate about one thing. Be great at one thing. The world will reward your knowledge in a very specific field. Tom Brady gets paid $25 million a year for throwing a ball. They don’t pay you to block, they don’t pay you to deal. I know Tom Brady. He is world class at one thing.”
5. Keep them interested.
“The most important thing is that you have to involve us. It’s your job to make us listen. We want to learn from you and be inspired by your exhibition. Capture our attention, stand out, be different!”
We hope this information will be of great help to you 🙂
It may also interest you: The story of Alexander Torrenegra: From dreamer to shark.
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can purchase our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.