Events are in fashion, whether public or private, there are more and more companies and individuals who know the importance of creating a good event. From a wedding, to a fashion show or a convention, there are many types of events, but they all have a lot in common. Today we present some of the keys that you cannot ignore.
6 useful tips for organizing successful events.
1. Know your target audience
Determining if an event is more or less formal, if the people who are going to attend it are workers or bosses, and the degree of luxury that your event should have, it is very important to be clear from the beginning. The same as the invitation templates that you must take into account to adapt to the guests.
The type of gifts, the proposed activities and even the food served depend to a large extent on who the event is for.
2. Define which objective you want to achieve
To organize successful events the following is essential: Events are always held for a purpose.
It may be to bring loved ones together or it may be to make a sale, there are many reasons and all are valid, but you have to know them. Every decision that must be made must keep this in mind. Success is closely linked to the reason for the event.
Business events can be the best allies to launch a brand to stardom. It is, without a doubt, a great idea, that is why you have to take care of every detail with the focus on the final objective.
3. Set a real budget
Although at first glance it may seem difficult, the truth is that you must have some idea of how much the client wants to spend (or you if the event is for your business) and if that will be feasible.
It is extremely important that in a first briefing you manage to explain where the minimum is and where the maximum is, and where they could save a little more, but where they could not.
Making a first sketch with approximate prices can save you headaches later. Also take into account the price of the cities, it is not the same to celebrate an event in Barcelona or Madrid, than to do it in Palencia or Burgos.
You may be interested: How to make a budget.
4. Choose location, day and time
There are many locations, but not all of them adapt well to all kinds of events. You must bear in mind that these places (known as “venues”) are usually reserved in advance, so until they are paid an economic signal, they will not be 100% reserved for your event.
There are some public places, such as some cinemas, universities or nightclubs that combine their activity with renting the place. It is also important to clarify this both with the client and with the provider itself so that there are no problems when changing the date or time.
The time and day of the event are also key. More than one person has had at their wedding more than half of the guests waiting for a football match or an international conference with few cars available because it was held on the same dates as another major event. Anticipating is the secret to organizing successful events.
5. Delegate if necessary
Being in every detail is essential, but sometimes when there are too many it is difficult to focus on each point. Finding active people, trustworthy and with a tendency to pay attention to every detail, are really important to organize successful events.
Six eyes see more than two, so what a person does not see, three are likely to. Reviewing each activity, additional comment, names, surnames and number of guests is something that if not daily, at least every so often, should be done.
As they say, small details make a difference, and although it may seem that they are not important, the truth is that they are. Guests notice things you would never think they would. Having everything tied up and double confirmed should be your motto.
6. Think of a plan B
Having a plan B in mind will save you from a lot of trouble. Outdoor places where the rain suddenly appears, guests who are too late or arrive hours before planned, technology that fails at the last moment or translators who get sick at the last moment.
The possible “disasters” can be many, so you always have to rethink things and have solutions at hand. Planning an event well in advance will help you to have these small aids already available to use when necessary. It is often said that if plan A goes wrong there are 25 other letters that you can use.
Many lines could be written about how to organize successful events, however these are some of the most basic ones that cannot go unnoticed. But, without a doubt, you must be aware of a thousand other things so that the event goes perfectly. However, the satisfaction of a successful event is priceless.
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.