In the following article you will find a short story that will answer the question Should I give up on success? We hope it motivates you and inspires you to continue fighting for your dreams.
Our age largely determines what we want and expect from life.
It is so, because nature is wise and we cannot live forever. We know that our life has an end and that is why we must do what we can with it.
At least that’s what I like to think. Every day is extremely valuable because I will never have the opportunity to live it again, so I must make the best of it.
I am 34 years old and many times I am afraid. It’s funny because it’s an age where you’re not the youngest, but you’re not old either.
I still have a lot ahead of me, in the best of scenarios I still have more than half of my life left.
However, I am still afraid of not achieving what I set out to do. I’m afraid of failing and it also crosses my mind that I’m too old for some things.
Also read: What is the best age to start a business?
This means that should I give them up? Should I give up success?
If you feel this way, I would like you to read the following words. During my daily reading, I found the following text on the Quora portal, in which C.Steinberg answers a user’s question:
“I’m 64, should I give up trying to be successful?” (I’m 64 years old, should I give up success?)
In his answer, C.Steinberg tells a little about his father’s life and how he got out of a very difficult situation. If you want to read the original answer, which is in English, click here.
If you want to read his answer in Spanish you will find the translation below.
I am 64 years old, should I give up success?
Hi, I’m C.Steinberg and I’m only 23 years old, but I want you to know this story.
My parents went through a difficult divorce that lasted 6 years. My father lost his company, with which he had been very successful. He lost his contacts and had to take a job as his being a young man who just graduated from college. He was 50 years old and had to start from scratch.
He had to work 80 hours a week to be able to pay the bills. He spent all his time networking. Step by step, he started to get noticed and became a partner in the company after 3 years. Still, the money was not enough, my father was tired all the time.
But he never showed it.
He suffered from migraines. He suffered from them constantly but his phone never stopped ringing. He would try to handle the pain until he was forced to lie down. Despite that, he continued to work from his phone.
One day, he couldn’t find his phone. He told me: “I think I can’t take this job anymore, we should move to Georgia”.
Over the course of a month, we left New York and after 16 hours of driving we arrived in Georgia. My father didn’t have a job, so we lived at the house of one of his friends.
My father never stopped. He had interviews every day and despite the situation, he never showed his stress.
I had faith in him and his plans. because he never let me or my brother see how worried he was.
Do you know something? So much effort had her reward.
After working hard for more than 3 years, he started a new company. My father is currently 56 years old and finally lives the life he deserves after so much effort.
He still does most things by himself, but he actually seems rested when I see him.
He is very happy.
He probably won’t be able to retire like he had planned years ago, but that’s life and he accepts it.
You make the best of what you get and you work hard. You keep faith in yourself and never give up hope that things will get better.
He taught me that you can always succeed, as long as you believe that you can.
So believe in yourself. I know it sounds corny, but I’m currently in class with a 74-year-old woman who is getting her degree as a psychologist after being a stay-at-home mom for 45 years.
My father was 5 years away from retiring and had to start working again, after having his own company.
Some people have to start over at all stages of life.
If these people can achieve success after so long, then so can we. Giving up success is not an option.
No matter how old you are, if you have a dream don’t give up. Reading keeps our brain active and motivated, which is why I wanted to share this little excerpt with you.
I would have liked to know a little more about the father of C. Steinberg, but in his answer he did not leave more details. Still, it was enough to motivate me.
Share it to motivate others.
And remember that if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can purchase our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.