In this article you will know how to write a company mission statement. To do so, we will focus on the golden circle and on 2 fundamental tips.
All companies need a mission, all have it. Some are very good, some are confusing, and some tell us nothing.
However, even if your company has a very simple idea, writing the mission will mark a clear path; helping you make decisions and that everyone works with the same goal.
A company with money is no match for a company with a mission – Dale Partridge. Click To Tweet
Learning how to write a company mission statement in a structured and convincing way is key to the success of any organization. Do not take it just as one more of the tasks you have to do to create your company.
Think about it carefully, it is such a powerful phrase, that in a few words your clients will know not only the core of your business; but also your values and philosophy.
As a business owner you must establish what is the message with which you want your company to be associated. How do you want the world and your industry to see you?
Be careful not to confuse the mission with the slogan of your company, since this is simply a Marketing tool to attract the attention of customers.
Likewise, do not be confused with the visionwhich defines where your company is headed in the future and how long you want to achieve it.
Also read: Difference between a company and a startup.
What should I take into account to learn how to write the mission of a company.
Academic texts and different articles on the internet propose that the mission must answer questions such as:
- About us?
- What problems do we solve?
- What are the principles of the organization?
- What are we looking for?
- How do we serve our community?
- What do we do?
- How do we provide our services?
Although it is of great importance to have clear answers to these questions, there are very successful company missions that do not make all these answers explicit.
The mission must be as short as possible, it must express the purposes of your company in such a way that it inspires others. In addition, it must set the tone in which your company speaks to both its customers and its employees.
Dan Heath, Book Author “Ideas that stick” He affirms that 99% of the companies have boring missions, because their owners seek to decorate the words using ambiguous terms, making the true meaning get lost.
Also read: How to make a logo in 5 simple steps.
Dan Health shares two key tips for learning how to write a company mission statement:
- Use concrete language: Go straight to the point, without beating around the bush, with clear and easy-to-understand language. And even more important…
- The why: Let the mission express why your company does what it does. You have to show why you care about what you do.
The importance of the golden circle.
Regarding the second recommendation, Simon Sinek, author of the books “Start With Why” Y “How to find My Why” states that both companies and human beings often communicate and express who they are by explaining What do they do, how do they do that Y why do they do it.
A wrong way to communicate considering that great leaders and organizations do it in the opposite direction. That is, you must first define the why, then the how and then the what.
If you are confused, please pay attention to the following explanation.
1. All companies in the world know what they are doing: Computers, cars, phones, bicycles etc.
2. Some know how to do it. In other words, its value proposition, its processes, differentiation factors or unique selling proposition.
3. But the really important thing is why do they do it and very few companies have been able to articulate this in their mission. What is the purpose, the cause of their existence, why do they think they must exist, why do they think the world really needs them?
Apple example.
Sinek gives a very clear example taking Apple as an example, since their communication has been very effective.
The following would be a way to communicate from the what to him by what.
“At Apple we make great computers that are beautifully designed and easy to use.” Do you want to buy one?
Now let’s see what happens if we change the way of communication. From why to what.
“We firmly believe that everything we do should challenge the status quo by creating products that are beautifully designed and easy to use, which is why we have managed to deliver great computers.” Do you want to buy one?
It’s not what you do that matters, it’s why you do. Customers don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.
For this reason Apple can make any type of product and we as customers will want to buy it. Each of your competitors is equally qualified to make the same products that Apple makes; but Apple is always in the lead.
This strategy is known as “The Golden Circle”.
How to write a company mission statement.
After all the introduction, this is what you finally need to do to write your company’s mission statement.
- Answer the questions: Why does your company do what it does? How does it do it? And finally, what does your company do? Remember to keep this order.
- Be specific and direct, use simple words that are easy to understand.
The best way to write your business mission statement is to brainstorm with everyone involved in or connected to the business. It is important that you know how others see your brand and what you do. Defining the mission requires bringing together different perspectives.
Your company’s mission will most likely change or evolve over time as your company adapts to market changes.
Next we will see others company mission examples, but first, we would like to ask you a favor. Simply vote from 1 to 5 to see how you’ve found this article so far. Thank you!
Let’s continue…
Examples of a company mission.
Clearly not all companies comply with the recommendations we made above. However, we found 5 that can serve as an example for you to learn how to write the mission of a company.
Empower people to build community and bring the world closer. People use Facebook to keep in touch with friends and family, to find out what’s going on in the world, and to share and express what matters to them.
Also read: 30 Mark Zuckerberg phrases for entrepreneurs.
Improve everyday life for many people. Our business idea supports the vision by offering a wide range of well-designed and functional household products at prices so low that as many people as possible can afford.
Inspiring and feeding the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time.
Accelerate the development of sustainable transportation, bringing convincing electric cars to the market en masse as soon as possible.
Steve Jobs version says: Contribute to the world by creating tools for the mind that advance humanity.
To learn how to write a company mission statement You must be very clear about the what, the how and the why of your company. The rest is to write it in a very simple way so that the message is understood by everyone.
Many successes!
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.