This is why Robert Herjavec, from the Shark Tank program, considers failure vital to success:
I’ve spent a lot of time recently talking about failure. It’s one of those words, just like “selling,” that gets a bad rap. Failure is not a dirty word!
At one point or another in our lives we will be faced with the fear of failure.
But if you don’t risk taking the first step forward and following the unknown path, how do you know you won’t succeed?
After all, we have to understand that you can’t measure success, right?
Failure is a lesson that should catapult you to success and I’m sure I wouldn’t be where I am today if I hadn’t failed.
I talk a lot about how I have excelled in business because I made every possible mistake. But never twice.
I teach my team to address their failures in two steps:
1 – Understand why they failed and what they learned.
2 – Get over it!
Most failures occur when we stretch ourselves beyond our limits. Maybe we have more than we can control. Perhaps we are just looking at the end goal and not considering what it will take to run smoothly. Maybe the goal is unrealistic for some reason.
In these cases, failure will do one of two things: it will force us to cower in a safe place where comfort is more important than achievement; or it will stretch the limits of our ambition. The latter will inspire us to apply the lessons we learned from failure on our next adventure.
Of course, not all efforts will be successful. That kind of perfection doesn’t happen to me, or to my team at Herjavec Group, or to anyone! We win and we lose, and the unexpected can happen at any time.
So what happens when you don’t succeed?…Do you sink?
Not really. And if you do, you must understand why.
I like to think of it this way: life is not a game where every loss is subtracted from your list of wins. My mantra: failure is never a disaster. For me, failure shows you how to improve and how to work for more and better wins in the future.
Everyone fails, we just can’t afford to think about it. All we can do is identify where and how we failed, choose the best way to avoid repeating it, and then move on.
All failures bring lessons with them, so what have you learned from yours?
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can purchase our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.