Sometimes to be successful and get closer to being the person you want to be, you don’t have to add more things, on the contrary, you have to give up some of them.
There are habits and customs that have been scientifically proven that lead us to be more productive, creative and in general to have a better quality of life. Among them are maintaining a good diet and maintaining continuous physical activity. No matter what you want to achieve, you must start by creating these two habits.
Also read: If you want to succeed you must make the sacrifices that nobody wants to make.
Being successful has different meanings for each person. It is essential that you determine what it means to you and how you are going to achieve it. Despite this, you will always find obstacles and many of them are generated by your thoughts and your actions. If you are committed to your projects and to achieving great things, you must give up the following:
Thoughts that you must eliminate to be happy and successful.
1. Give up believing in effortless success.
Sudden success is a myth. Successful people know that they must make small, continuous improvements every day to get the results they want.
That’s why you have to plan for the future. Evaluate every day and improve 1% the next day.
Also read: Perseverance is achieved when we understand failure.
2. Give up excuses.
Successful people know that they are the only ones responsible for their life, no matter where their weaknesses or past failures come from.
Realizing that you are responsible for what is to come is bad and good at the same time, but it is the only path to success. Excuses only hold you back and keep you from doing what you need to do.
Also read: 5 stupid excuses that do not let you create a company.
3. Give up short-term thinking.
Successful people always set long-term goals and know for sure that they are made up of small habits that they need to integrate into their lives every day.
These are not habits of the moment, they must be habits that are part of your personality and that you practice daily.
It is very different to go to the gym to look good on the next vacation, to go to the gym because that’s who you are, because you like it and the day you don’t do it you feel something is wrong.
4. Give up perfectionism.
Nothing in the world will be perfect no matter how hard you try.
The fear of failing or even the fear of success often prevents us from acting and putting our creativity and ingenuity to work. We would miss a lot of opportunities if we waited for everything to be perfect.
Also read: How to make perfectionism beneficial for you.
5. Give up trying to control everything.
Don’t worry about those things you can’t control and focus on those you can. Many times the only thing you can control is yourself. You will only be able to control your attitude towards your environment.
6. Give up saying “yes” to those things that do not contribute to your goals.
Successful people know that they have to say “no” to some requests from their friends, colleagues or family; all in order to meet their goals.
At first you will feel that you are sacrificing a lot and that you do not see quick results, however over time you will realize that it is worth it.
7. Give up toxic people.
The people with whom we spend the most time have a great influence on our lives and especially our future.
There are people who have achieved great things and others who have not pursued any purpose. If you spend most of your time with the second group, you are at risk of the same fate.
On the contrary, if you invest your time with people who challenge you to be better every day, your chances of success will most certainly increase considerably.
Take a look at your social circle and evaluate if you are with the right people for you and your projects.
8. Give up the need to like others.
No one is “gold coin” to be liked by everyone, so don’t waste energy or time trying to please others.
Point 4 of this article also applies to our personality, so stop justifying yourself. It is literally impossible to be perfect for everyone.
The only thing you can do is be yourself, be authentic and worry about adding value. The more people hate you means you’re doing something important.
And remember that if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can purchase our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.