productivity at work…It is something that we all want to have, since it allows us to advance more in less time.
It is not surprising that great entrepreneurs carry out their projects at incredibly fast rates and achieve excellent results in a short time.
A simple example is Elon Musk. He doesn’t just move fast, he has several projects! (Tesla, Space X, Hyperloop, Solar City)
In fact, one of his most recognized phrases is: “If other people dedicate 40 hours a week and you dedicate 100; if they are doing the same, you will achieve in 4 months what they will achieve in a year”.
It is clear, 100 hours a week is outrageous. But if you are motivated, you can spend more time on your projects.
And it is precisely motivation, one of the secrets that will allow you to increase your productivity at work and in your life.
This is what Charles Duhigg, journalist for the New York Times and writer of 2 best-sellers, says: The power of habits Y Sharper, Faster, and Better: The Secrets to Being Productive in Life and Work.
In this latest book, Duhigg is in charge of taking us through the stories of different companies to find the secrets of productivity at work and in life.
Do you want to meet them?
Secrets to increase productivity at work and in life.
1. The secret of productive innovation.
combinatorial creativity. Seeks to combine existing solutions and situations in a creative way.
so you should borrow ideas from other industriestry to create methods that allow you to do things more efficiently.
2. The secret of productive motivation.
To stay motivated, it is important that you have different paths to reach your goals.
This is because having more action alternatives increases your control and self-determination. Thus you will have the feeling that it is you who makes things happen; and ultimately, your motivation will increase.
3. The secret of the productive approach.
You must visualize the result you want to achieve and also the obstacles you will find on the way.
Once you know where you want to go, visualize how you are going to overcome each obstacle. This will help you strategize and prevent you from having to improvise solutions that could throw you off track.
Going hand in hand with the secret of productive motivation, you must keep in mind that the things that happen are the consequence of your actions.
If you focus on thinking that you are a victim of what is happening, you are giving up the power of your actions! And you can never focus on what you have to do; and therefore, you will be less productive.
4. The secret to setting productive goals.
For Duhigg, the secret is to combine long-term goals with “SMART” goals. Learn more about SMART goals and motivation techniques by clicking here. (You will find it in point 1)
Having a big goal will be your main motivation tank. And having smaller objectives that allow you to meet the main objective will allow you to reach them and have small successes. That will become small victories that will give you constant injections of motivation.
5. The secret to productive decision making.
Have you heard that 2 heads think more than one? Well, you only have one; but you have the ability to imagine what others think about a decision.
Before deciding, you must take into consideration the opinion of your family, partners, employees and clients.
The more perspectives you contemplate and you can reach a decision; the better for everyone and the more productive those decisions will be.
6. The secret of productive teamwork.
Productive teamwork is based on the awareness we have for each other.
It’s kind of like when you’re driving. If you only think about what you need, you would abruptly shut down other vehicles; you would pass red lights; you would not respect pedestrian crossings; and your speed would exceed the limits.
As a result of that, you would only have accidents and you would not reach your destination. In addition, you would prevent others from reaching theirs.
Think about the others. Empathy is vital to increase productivity at work.
Also read: how to project more leadership and empathy with these 6 positions: Includes images.
7. The secret to managing others productively.
You must understand the importance of delegating and in order to do so, you must know how to trust others. In such a way that they are convinced that they can with the responsibilities they are in charge of.
Do you want to know the 5 steps to delegate like a true leader? Click here.
8. The secret to productively absorbing data.
We learn new things every day and all the time, so it’s easy for a lot of that information to become “fuzzy” and useless.
Duhigg suggests a simple but effective technique: If you want to reinforce your knowledge about a topic, explain it to someone else.
When we are forced to verbalize our ideas, we must make more concrete connections; and thus we simplify and make it easier to access those memories in the future.
In addition, we become aware of information gaps that we have and that gives us indications to know what information we are missing and we become more productive in the search for new knowledge.
We hope it will be very useful. Never forget that you have the solutions to problems at work and in life. And that by being more productive, you will find the solutions and reach them faster 🙂
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.