Undertaking has been a decision that has led many to be successful. With the pandemic situation, the concept has been accentuated even more, due to the need not to succumb to the general economic decline. Given this, companies and individuals reformulate their businesses putting innovative and functional ideas into practice. This does not require a large physical or technological infrastructure, the house is usually the starting point of operations.
However, the security of a business venture lies —according to Crehana, 2021— in “… a lot of dedication, effort and time… Daily balance between work responsibilities and personal life.” With this in mind, the following projects can be beneficial to break into the world of small and medium-sized companies:
8 Business ideas to start safely in 2022
1. Online training
The internet gives you everything, and one way to take advantage of it is to mix it with the knowledge you have on a particular subject or topic. In other words, the venture can start with a PC or tablets (even with a smartphone), a microphone, headphones and the teaching to transmit. For this task, the instructor can perfectly advertise through RRSS and schedule classes through platforms such as Zoom.
This “sale of experience and knowledge” can be directed towards courses, consultancies and talks. It is important to prepare attractive and valuable content, with which the participant feels motivated to return.
As a creator, it is preeminent to develop tutorials and videos with professional tools like video editors and a screen recorder that contribute to monetization.
Other business ideas to undertake arise from the trend homemadeor what in Spanish is “homemade”, and is gaining more followers every day.
The creativity to make crafts, design jewelry, prepare good food or draw pictures is a gift that many people have. Why not take advantage of it and turn it into a profession? The work of the entrepreneur begins with the desire, plus a space conditioned exclusively to execute the ideas.
Once the finished product is available, the sales process begins on sites websites (Amazon, eBay, Mercado Libre or OLX), social networksWhatsApp for companies and Blog of eCommerce. There are hundreds of portals, such as Pinterest, that help refine techniques, while providing guidance on how to market the creations.
3. Digital Copywriter
This type of venture is ideal for journalism professionals, writers or for those who know a lot about writing. the work of Copywriter is to develop texts capable of persuading users of virtual pages, followers of social networks, recipients of emails and Internet users in general.
Consequently, it seeks to generate a positive reaction that leads to decision-making. To be successful in this activity and make a difference with the competition, you have to write good texts, have credibility, personalize the message according to the audience and attract the public with the benefits of the product or service (RD Station, 2021).
If you think about it, the basis of this activity is writing and although it is easier said than done, there are many ways to train and improve in this activity; which makes it one of the best business ideas to undertake.
4. Product tester
As is well known, online sales have skyrocketed. In 2021 alone, more than 2 billion people shopped online (Findstack, 2021). As a result of this phenomenon, the niche of “product tester” arose.
Why? Well, because of the need of many consumers to know the quality and effectiveness of the item. So, what the entrepreneur does is acquire certain products, and then make a unboxing where he narrates his initial impressions.
What follows is to keep testing the article, until, finally, through a video or text on their Facebook or Instagram accounts, they specify the benefits, disadvantages, price and ways of use. Regarding the ways to monetize, Oberlo (2021) refers to the following alternatives: payment for affiliation, for advertising and for the activation of dropshipping.
5. Resume Writer
This entrepreneurial idea requires a computer equipped with a software to design the resumes correctly. Perhaps they are thinking that anyone can do them, because the programs are easy to use. But, the truth is, good writing counts, and not everyone has the skill.
In this sense, the entrepreneur uses his ability to write as a lure to catch potential employers. The truth is that if the service is optimal, profitability increases because people will be willing to pay. So it is essential that as a writer you have knowledge of the applicant’s capabilities, experiences, value propositions, and training (Mauna Media, 2021).
6. Edit videos
This position is in high demand and the financial reward is good, this makes it one of the best business ideas to start.
However, it is necessary for the entrepreneur to know and handle various editing programs, to mention a few: Clipchamp, DaVinci Resolve and Adobe Premier Pro so that the results please the client. Similarly, you have to have hardware powerful to backup video files.
This work satisfies the needs of businessmen, influencers, youtubers and individuals who want to be up to date on their RRSS. In addition, learning to manipulate audio editing programs opens another door to entrepreneurship, because they can be done podcast Y clips music on another level.
7. Custom designs
This job idea is great for those who have a knack for graphic design and want some extra money. In fact, portals such as Mega Emprendedor (2022) assert that “in 2021 it became one of the most popular and for this year it will continue to grow, being one of the most profitable ventures that can be done from home.”
What does it consist of?, then, in creating —by means of computerized programs— logos and unique images that complement clothes and accessories. Moreover, the entrepreneur can do “matches” with emerging clothing designers to bring authentic pieces to market. Creativity is a key point for this business.
8. Healthy Living Advisor
There will always be people interested in having a healthy life and being part of the culture fitness. Therefore, those who know the matter (coachtrainers, nutritionists…), without a doubt, they can make their way in this area.
Even more so when social networks are used to promote and “hang” the informative videos of consultancies. The instructor would focus on personal training, selling nutritional supplements, teaching conscious nutrition, and could even offer equipment to perform the exercises from home (Oyster, 2021).
If you are already one of those who have certifications from recognized institutions, try to be part of the “InstaFit” community, which brings together the best and provides classes through applications for Android and iOS, and their site Web.
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.