If there was a magic button that could make you a better entrepreneur, one that would give you better ideas, improve your analysis to make clearer decisions, help you communicate better with your team, etc.; surely you would push it.
Entrepreneurs tend to want improvement in all areas of their lives, especially those that will make them better business owners. Obviously, there is no magic button, but there are many strategies that can improve your leadership and business acumen.
The difference in lifestyle
You could attend a training program or participate in brainstorming sessions with friends, in order to become a better entrepreneur. These approaches focus on acquiring knowledge or acquiring new skills.
Also read: 3 Causes that prevent you from creating a business and 5 strategies to avoid them.
However, there are also lifestyle factors that can be gradually incorporated that will condition your mind to reach your full potential. These changes are simple, easy to adopt, and can have powerful effects on your business performance, so why not give them a try?
1. Take more breaks.
There’s no question that taking breaks can actually increase your productivity. Although it’s tempting to work through lunch to complete a few tasks, in the long run it’s better to allow your mind to decompress and come back with greater focus and motivation. Commit to taking at least three short breaks throughout the day, even if it’s just 10 minutes. And where possible, incorporate these breaks on a larger scale by taking a vacation now and then.
2. Get more sleep
Sleep is more important than most people think. If you’re consistently getting too few hours of sleep or if your sleep schedule is unpredictable, you could be sabotaging your potential for success.
Also read: How many hours should I sleep to function at 100%.
Without enough sleep, you’ll have a harder time concentrating, remembering things, and solving problems—not to mention all the physical health problems associated with long-term sleep deprivation. Make your “good sleep” a priority.
3. Read every day.
The benefits of reading are obvious: you will gather new information and knowledge to start your projects, but you will also build vocabulary and strengthen your communication skills. The more books you read, the more pronounced these effects will be. Don’t lock yourself into one genre, format, or theme. Exposing yourself to a wide range of perspectives will increase the likelihood that you will come up with more creative ideas.
Also read: How to have the self-discipline to read at least one book a month.
4. Talk to more people.
Ask your team for their thoughts on your business. Talk to competitors and peers. Look for opportunities to discuss with other professionals at networking events. The more you interact with people who are not part of your daily routine, the more empowered you will feel to communicate and you will surely learn new ideas and perspectives that will help you solve problems.
5. Eat healthy.
The food you eat can have a substantial impact on your mind and body. Without proper nutrition, you may not be able to function properly. We all experience energy drain from junk food and we all know what it’s like to try to work hungry. Keep your body healthy with healthy foods.
6. Be willing to ask for help.
Inevitably, you will encounter moments of pain as an entrepreneur, and many of us would prefer to take them on independently. However, doing this on a constant basis of overwhelmed work schedules, high stress levels, and inadequate procedures is not easy.
It is important that you learn to ask for help so that these situations do not have negative results.
7. Reduce your dependence on technology.
You probably use the computer or a smartphone for almost all facets of your work. When you get home, you can relax with more entertainment on your TV. You can even check your email and voicemail throughout the night. Getting away from technology occasionally, even for just a few hours, can be beneficial to you in the long run. It can improve your concentration, reduce your stress, and give you time for more important things. Why not grab a book and kill two birds with one stone?
Some of these lifestyle changes may appeal to you more than others, but try to give them all a chance. Even if it seems like an impossible goal (like getting enough sleep each night), or uncomfortable (like getting away from technology), you need to get out of your comfort zone and improve in those areas.
In the end, you’ll end up thinking more clearly, working better, and most importantly, feeling better about yourself.
And remember that if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can purchase our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.