In this article, you will learn about 7 good habits that you must incorporate into your life if you want to achieve those results that you crave so much.
Success does not happen overnight. It happens through the sum of small successes that are linked over time.
Small steps, little by little. That is why resilience and patience are great virtues.
If you want to build something big, if you have a clearly defined vision, dream or goal; the question is not: how can I do this fast?
Rather, you should ask yourself: what good habits Should I adopt to be the person who can achieve that dream? What should I change to achieve what I want?
Get into your head that nothing worthwhile will happen overnight and distrust those things that do.
Changing, improving and achieving your dreams begins by changing internally; to change your way of thinking and establish good habits.
Also read: How to get money? Work first on your way of thinking.
Below you will find the good habits that will lead you to achieve great results. Adopt some and you will realize how your life begins to change.
7 good habits that will lead you to obtain enormous results.
1. Surround yourself with people who represent what you ultimately want to be.
If you are not satisfied with who you are or what you have, take a look at the people around you. Most likely they are in a similar situation.
The great motivational speaker Jim Rohn stated years ago that “we are the average of the 5 people we spend the most time with”. (If you want the best quotes from the great Jim Rohn, click here)
Also read: What should I look for in a partner to have a successful company.
When it comes to relationships, our friendships have a very strong impact. Like it or not, we are highly influenced. They affect our way of thinking, our self-esteem and, ultimately, our decisions.
It is not only important that you surround yourself with positive people. You will also need people who give constructive criticism. The more successful you are, the more criticism you will face.
We recommend surrounding yourself with these 3 types of people.
2. Read as much as you can.
The only way to increase our intelligence, no matter where you studied or where you were born; is reading.
Reading plays an integral role in developing intelligence, problem solving, analytical skills, and our ability to understand others clearly.
Additionally, reading books increases our ability to understand new concepts, handle unfamiliar situations, and understand other people in order to incorporate these new ideas into our daily lives.
So if you’re looking for a way to become a smarter individual, start surrounding yourself with books; the more you read, the more you will learn.
With so much to do, people tend to read less each day. Don’t let this happen. If you only set aside an hour or a daily chapter you will notice the difference.
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3. Wake up when you say you’re going to.
By this we mean, get up early. Just as you can set aside an hour to read instead of watching television, you can get up an hour earlier.
Successful people are usually early risers. Great and well-known entrepreneurs are known for getting up at dawn. Regardless of their motivations, there is no doubt that they have taken advantage of getting up before the sun rises. And before most people do.
Start doing it and take advantage of that time to work on your personal projects.
If you want to learn how to get up early, we recommend the following articles:
4. Don’t just set goals, measure them.
One of the most important things you should do is set goals. Planning is essential to success. If you start with the ending in your head it will be easier.
Plan as if you were doing a marketing campaign for your company. But even more important, measure goals. Set dates, daily tasks, track every step you take. It’s the only way to know if you’re making progress.
If you don’t measure you won’t be able to know about your progress. Do this frequently, you will be surprised at the speed with which you achieve your goals.
Finally, set specific goals. We can make a list of activities for the next day, but if we set very general goals we will be easy prey to distraction.
To the extent that the tasks we plan are more specific, it is easier for us to put all our concentration to finish them.
This method can help you.
5. Dress for success.
This is one of the most important good habits. It may sound cliché, but it is true; you are more confident when you feel good about the way you present yourself.
The first impression always counts. The people with whom you do business must feel that they can trust you, so your image is part of this positive impact that you must generate on them.
Even if you work from home, take a good bath and dress well. You will feel better to work. No matter where you are, make it a habit so you always project the best version of yourself.
If you want to know other techniques to work from home, click here.
6. Focus on doing only one thing.
If we want to focus on doing one thing well, there is no point in wanting to do several things at once.
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi says that the human brain can process a maximum of 110 bits per second. By listening to ourselves speak and understanding what we are saying, we process 60 bits (which is why we cannot fully understand when two people speak to us at the same time).
In the same way, our ability to process information is divided between the tasks we want to perform. That’s why we do want to maintain our concentration, let’s focus on doing one thing in order to do it well.
Remember: Don’t be proud of multitasking! That does not work.
7. Exercise.
Yoga, crossfit, pilates, jogging, biking, you name it; but you must be a physically active person.
If some of the world’s busiest people find time to exercise, why couldn’t you?
Barack Obama starts each day with stretching and cardio workouts. He even did it when he was president. Who can have less time than the President of the United States?
When we do some physical activity, the body releases endorphins. You are generating sensations of well-being and lucidity in your body.
This can greatly influence your productivity when solving a problem and getting through a difficult situation. It also helps fight depression and anxiety according to Michael W. Otto in his book “Exercise for Mood and Anxiety.”
If you want to know how to create and maintain an exercise routine, click here.
Good habits create good lives. To the extent that we incorporate new habits, we remove responsibility from our brain; since we do things automatically.
We hope that these good habits stay with you for the rest of your life, and that you achieve incredible results 🙂
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.