Bad habits.
Have you made the calculation of all the money you have received throughout your life? What have you spent it on? What would your situation be if you had reversed it?
Millionaire minds know exactly that there are different ways to get money. However, the application of certain rules and principles is of the utmost importance.
For many, being a millionaire is a matter of luck. For Bryan Tracy and Tony Robbins, the way to generate wealth depends on ourselves.
Both entrepreneurs, top coaches of great sports figures and the business world, speakers and authors of different bestselling books; They have been fortunate to advise individuals who have managed to generate large sums of money throughout their lives. Reason for which they are surprised how with the information and the opportunities that we currently have, so many people end their lives depending on pensions; of social security; and even family members.
This experience has helped them determine the reasons why 1% of the population owns 99% of the wealth. And it is that that 1% was able to eliminate the bad habits that keep them from success. Find them below:
Bad habits that millionaires left behind to be successful.
1. They think that will never happen to them.
How can you become a millionaire if you don’t believe you can make it? That is the first rule, you must believe it.
You will never be a millionaire if you think you can’t make it Click To Tweet
Tracy says that the average person grows up in middle-class families, which despite having everything they need, never have a member with a lot of money. Additionally, they attend schools and socialize with people who are not millionaires, they work with people with the same conditions and, in general, their entire social circle has the same characteristics. They do not live with any example or model of wealth.
Studying, getting a job and growing in a company is the path they follow, a path that could give you economic stability but will not make you a millionaire.
From this perspective, the first reason is that most people do not believe that being a millionaire is possible for them. If they believe so they will never do anything to achieve it.
2. They never make the decision to become a millionaire.
Some individuals receive the proper education and are even surrounded by people who are financially successful. However, nothing will change until you make a decision. If you continue to do what you have always done, you will continue to receive what you have always received.
Don’t try, don’t try, don’t hope, don’t wish, don’t pray. Do it, it’s that simple. Deciding to be a millionaire is the first step to becoming financially independent. Not making decisions is one of the most detrimental bad habits.
3. They leave everything for later.
The third of the bad habits is procrastination. We always have good excuses for not doing what we should do. It is not the time, I have many things to do, I am tired, I have worked a lot, it is very risky, I do not have time, you always have a reason that does not let you take action. In this way the years pass until it is too late.
Also read: Infallible strategies to stop procrastination
4. They fall into the irresistible temptation to spend money unnecessarily.
The fourth reason is due to something economists call the inability to delay gratification. The vast majority of people suffer from an irresistible temptation to spend money on things they don’t need. They spend all the money they earn, the money they can borrow or on credit.
If you can’t get into the habit of saving, budgeting, and investing, it will be impossible for you to achieve the long-awaited financial freedom.
Also read: 3 financial mistakes that you should avoid if you want to see your account full of money
5. They don’t have a long-term perspective.
In a study at Harvard University, Dr. Edward Banfield analyzed the possibility of predicting whether an individual or a family could advance from one socioeconomic group to another by changing generations.
This study brought a very interesting result, called the perspective of time and is defined in the amount of time it takes a person to plan their activities and make important decisions. Additionally, how far forward an individual projects into the future or long-term perspective.
Here’s the rub, most people don’t plan for the long term. They want money immediately and with little effort. You must be able to sacrifice the short-term perspective for the long-term.
Also read: 5 ideas that millionaires left behind a long time ago
6. They give up when faced with complex situations.
Going through and overcoming challenges is what makes people millionaires; they don’t give up. There will always be challenges and creating wealth has many, so you must prepare. Keep in mind that each challenge is a new opportunity. An example of this is the life of Jack Ma, the richest man in China.
7. They allow other people to affect their decisions.
There will always be pessimistic people around you, individuals who absorb your energy with their negativity. Sadly they can be your friends or family. You can’t change them, but what you can do is prevent them from affecting your decisions, you don’t have to share their thoughts.
Also read: 4 strategies for you to learn how to act against negative people
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can purchase our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.