In this article you will learn 6 strategies to learn how to overcome obstacles in your life and at work.
After interviewing and analyzing hundreds of millionaires for 5 years, I found that 82% stated that they had faced many problems and adversities during their path as entrepreneurs.
Starting a business is a battle that has often damaged their confidence and sometimes ended in depression.
These symptoms arose, because despite the great efforts and time invested, they were not able to obtain good results; they were unable to advance. And it seems adversity never rests.
If this is so, then what did they do to continue despite the circumstances? Let’s see how to overcome obstacles.
Also read: Beliefs and thoughts of the rich to have money and be successful.
How to overcome obstacles.
1. Remember that failure is not an option.
76% of the people analyzed in my study were not born millionaires. In fact they come from poor families and middle class.
Many had to ask their family and friends for money; and even mortgage their houses to get ahead. Apparently getting out of debt was a great motivator.
Also read: Reasons why only 1% of the population owns 99% of the wealth.
It is a way of pushing yourself to do what seems impossible. When you are in that situation you have no choice but to succeed. And somehow, you’ll find your way.
2. Surround yourself with those who believe in you.
Many of the millionaires in my study had a great support system. They had people who really believed in them.
When things were not going well, their support system kicked in, motivating and encouraging them to keep going. Self-made millionaires surround themselves with the right people.
In the company of the right people, it is much easier to learn how to overcome obstacles.
3. Enjoy the small moments of success.
Even though these characters’ quest for success was fraught with obstacles and difficulties, they occasionally had bouts with success.
A great opportunity came along, and for a time, they experienced success. These success events, especially early on, were generally short-lived. But they gave them hope. They made them see that they were on the right path.
Flashes of success helped boost their self-confidence and renewed their beliefs. For a moment, they felt successful. So they swam upstream again. But the memory of that flash of success lingered in his subconscious mind. Y that memory kept them going.
4. Create deep emotional roots.
All the millionaires interviewed had invested so much blood, sweat and tears in their dreams that the emotional roots were so deep that they could not give up.
Even if they wanted to quit, being emotionally invested took them away from that possibility.
5. Take advantage of criticism and negative comments.
This is essential to learn how to overcome obstacles.
Two of the most frustrating things for all who pursue dream experiences are detractors and critics.
The people you know, the people you thought loved you; they will gossip and talk bad about you. They will say things that make your blood boil.
Use these naysayers and critics as fuel. Say what you want, but revenge is powerful fuel, and the millionaires I interviewed used that fuel to help prove their detractors and critics wrong.
Those who belittle and criticize produce a rash of relentless persistence.
6. Be very clear about what you want in your future.
A millionaire always had a clear vision of the finish line. They knew what his fate was like. They created a detailed blueprint of what their lives would be like. And they focused on that vision every day.
Knowing where to place the magnifying glass allows you to focus your inner light.
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.