According to a study by the University of Leipzig carried out in 2009, early risers are considerably more proactive. However, being an effective early riser is not just about getting up before everyone else.
A positive mindset and doing what’s important before everyone else is also part of making the most of your mornings.
There’s no point in having your alarm go off ridiculously early if you’re going to spend that extra time on your mobile phone. If you want to start each day the right way, you need to integrate some habits into your routine.
Also read: Why I have to get up early even on weekends.
Below you will find 6 morning rituals that may seem difficult to adopt but will surely bring you incredible rewards.
6 rituals in the morning that will bring benefits for the rest of your life.
1. Start the day with exercise.
As crazy as it sounds to get up early to exert yourself and sweat, the early morning hours are the best time to exercise. Starting your day with exercise will make you start the day on the right foot.
Think of it this way. If some of the world’s busiest people find time to exercise, why couldn’t you?
Barack Obama starts each day with stretching and cardio training, and he did it when he was president. Who can have less time than the President of the United States?
Characters like Obama and important CEO’s, recognize the importance of the exercise and that is why they set aside at least an hour from their schedule to do it. If they do it, why haven’t you started? It’s only an hour of your day.
Also read: How to create and maintain an exercise routine.
2. Make the best of breakfasts.
Ditch the cereal and coffee for a protein-rich breakfast.
It is better to start the day with eggs for breakfast than with carbohydrates. Yes, surely you don’t have time to make a good breakfast in the morning, but if you find a way, a good breakfast will give you a boost of energy that will make your day the most productive.
Change your excuse of “I don’t have time” and make the small effort to get up just 15 minutes earlier to prepare a better breakfast. It’s a small sacrifice, but starting your day lightly and with good fuel is a great way to start your mornings.
Also read: 3 eating tips to improve productivity.
3. Do the most important thing first.
The silence of the morning is the ideal time to stay focused and work on important projects without being interrupted.
In this way you will have the opportunity to take charge of your priorities before those urgent but not important tasks steal your attention.
On the other hand nobody is going to disturb you before 6:00 in the morning. Most people are asleep or just getting up.
Also read: How to get up early without suffering every morning.
4. Stick to the plan you made the night before.
The only way to have a productive day is by creating a plan the night before. It will always be a great help to have everything you need ready to start your day. Have all your exercise equipment ready and be sure to schedule that you will have breakfast. Write down what you will do, so you won’t waste time thinking about what you should do when you get up.
This sounds very simple. But when you come home at night, the temptation to sit on the couch and watch TV is so great that you won’t give a thought to planning your day.
Also read: What activities successful people do before going to sleep.
5. Work on creating your own company.
The projects that you have outside of your work are very easy to avoid. If you have been busy in meetings, delivering reports and meeting your company’s goals, when you get home the last thing you will want to do is continue working. You will only want to eat and sleep.
For this reason, successful people work on their personal projects in the morning hours.
Also read: How to create a company (Guide of 8 essential steps).
6. Get up early.
According to Laura Vanderkam, author of the book “What the most successful people do before breakfast”, 90% of the CEO’s she interviewed get up before 6 a.m. Monday through Friday, either to exercise, read, or work on their personal projects. .
It sounds difficult, but if you start going to bed early, over time, starting your day a few hours earlier will become easier and easier. Productive days start very early in the morning.
Also read: 5 reasons and 5 techniques to get up early even if you hate doing it.
Success requires certain sacrifices on your part, sacrifices that most people are not willing to make. Do you want to continue being like the majority?
And remember that if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can purchase our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.