At first glance, we seek to undertake to work for our dreams and not for someone else’s. However, there are many more reasons to undertake than we imagine.
I have heard people who say that they were not born to undertake; And whenever I listen to them, I think: “They say that because they don’t know what they’re missing.”
It is clear that starting a business is complicated. There are times when it really takes a lot to stay motivated. When you don’t see results, it’s inevitable to think about throwing things away. When you try and nothing changes, the frustration is enormous…
But after you try without failing, and you see that the stone that you have been trying to move for so long finally moves; You don’t want to change yourself for anyone. You feel that you are unstoppable, and all negative sensations fade away; to the point of thinking that you want to start other businesses.
I don’t trade sleeplessness, frustrations, impotence, for anything… every difficult moment is an invaluable lesson.
That is why I hope that the 51 reasons to undertake that you will see below, infect you with what I feel. That they encourage you to fight for what you want so much, that they lead you to show yourself that you are capable; that you are more capable than everyone.
And let them be the place you’re going to come to, whenever you feel like you don’t want to continue.
51 reasons to undertake.
1. You will establish your hours.
- You should not work from 9am to 5pm, every day. You will know what to do and when. So you decide when you do it.
2. Rediscover yourself every day.
- The remains of undertaking, are mostly unpredictable. therefore, you will be exposed to hundreds of situations that will show you what you are made of.
3. You can take calculated risks of your passions.
- It is your decision how much you bet on your business.
4. There is always room to improve and grow.
You decide how high you want to go. You are not subject to the decisions of your superiors.
5. You have more control of your destiny.
6. You develop the ability to create something out of nothing.
- Many do not undertake because they are not used to creating and lack creative confidence. Once you take a risk, you realize that you can achieve the impossible.
7. You have freedom to travel.
- We all like to travel, but not everyone can. Most jobs require going to an office. Even for employees who telework, it’s not easy to be able to work from anywhere.
8. The responsibility of maintaining what you have created will give you a motivation and discipline that you have not felt.
- In general, in a job the main motivation is to receive the salary. It is a very important motivation but it does not lead you to be your best version or to reach your peak of performance; like it does work for your business.
9. You will discover that the possibilities are endless.
- By having your own business, you will realize that the possibilities of monetization are more than you thought.
10. You will find your own definition of success.
11. You will be able to respond to opportunities much faster.
- By having control of the decisions, you will be able to take advantage of the opportunities whenever you want; without having to wait for superiors to be sure.
12. You will be the leader of something much bigger than yourself.
- Just look at the case of Jack Ma and Alibaba. You will plan, work and enjoy the results that the efforts of more people bring. And all, thanks to the fact that one day you made the decision to start.
13. You can work from wherever you want.
- According to the project, and the moment of it; You will have the freedom to work from anywhere.
14. You will make the desire to work under your own values come true.
- Many people are forced to put aside their way of being and everything in order not to lose their salary. That’s not life!
15. If you want to fight for something, you can.
- When you think it’s time to try something, you are free to do so. That does not imply that there are no risks, they are simply your risks.
Reasons to undertake #16. You will constantly evolve.
- To the extent that you understand what works and what doesn’t; You will improve your knowledge and try new alternatives without restrictions.
17. You will do things your way.
- A negligent boss is a shackle for innovation. In your business, you can do things the way you see fit. So you will find better and new paths.
18. The reward is bigger.
- It is one of the most important reasons to undertake; And not just monetarily. The feeling of duty fulfilled with everything you do for your business is the best reward of all.
19. You will meet great people.
- The path of entrepreneurship will take you to meet many people. From partners to employees. Everyone will contribute to your growth and that of your business.
20. You will teach many people and see them grow.
- If you want to create a great company, you will not be able to do it alone. And to those workers you hire; You will teach them and see them grow professionally and personally.
21. You will accommodate your life according to your priorities.
- It is one of the most fundamental reasons to undertake. Currently the situation is the other way around: what seems most important to us, we do when we are not working. With your business, you can do it as it should be.
22. You will be an agent of social change.
- Work in your industry may have a direct impact on society. But no matter what you work on, you can contribute to different causes.
23. You won’t feel like you’re working.
- When you do what you want to do, the feeling is different. It does not mean that you will not have to work; It means that you will do it with a different and better mentality.
24. You will understand how a business works in its entirety.
- The ins and outs of a business can seem invisible if you work in another area. But when you are the owner, you will know the details of absolutely everything.
25. You will work for something of yours.
- I know it’s obvious. But the benefits of working for something of your own make all the risk and hard work worth every second.
26. You will learn to force yourself to get up regardless of the fall.
- You won’t have a choice. If you want to continue, you must get up. Not having the comfort of giving up will make you go further than you think.
27. They won’t be able to fire you.
- Ironically, many people do not undertake for the security of a job. But at any moment something can happen, they are taken out and they don’t know what to do. That is why it is one of the most valuable reasons to undertake: If you work for something of yours, you are certain that it will not happen.
28. You will have the possibility to grow your company.
- Once you learn how to grow your business, when you see the opportunity to do so, you won’t have to ask anyone’s permission.
29. The more you work, the more you will earn.
- With the exception of workers who earn by commission, the usual thing is that it does not matter that they work 25 hours a day; His salary has already been established in a contract. When you work for your own, even if you have a stipulated salary; You know that as your business grows, your pockets grow.
30. You can choose the image of your company.
31. You will never get bored.
- There will be difficult days, but never boring. Discovering things about your business is like getting to know a person: there are always new things.
Reasons to undertake #32. You will leave your comfort zone.
- It is your responsibility to get things done. If there is no one to do them, who should do them? It won’t always be something you’re good at or comfortable with. But regardless of that, you have to get out of your comfort zone and do them.
33. You will learn new things every day.
- Business has many nuances. And not only that, the people who are part of it will provide a great deal of knowledge that will make you learn every day.
34. You will not deal with the rules or hierarchies of large companies.
- You will set the rules as you see fit. You will not be a prisoner of the business hierarchy; nor of norms that sometimes inhibit development.
35. You will feel the satisfaction of recognition.
- Having a great job and being able to keep it is a source of satisfaction. But I believe that building something from scratch and making it grow has much more merit and therefore brings more recognition.
36. You will get out of the “rat race”.
37. You will apply all your knowledge.
- For many people, what they learn in college is 20% of what they apply to their jobs. For an entrepreneur, whether he has had financial preparation or not; he will apply everything he has learned in his life.
38. You will mentor the generation of tomorrow.
- An entrepreneur, by nature, instills in other values how to fight for goals, not give up, help others, etc.
39. You will be able to take care of yourself like never before.
- By making better use of your time, you will have time to see the importance of taking care of your body through exercise and healthy eating.
40. You can choose who you surround yourself with.
41. You will bet on yourself.
- Every second and every penny you invest will be for you; not for anyone else.
42. You must not be a genius.
- You don’t have to know them all to get started. With a validated idea, you have what you need.
43. You will do what you love.
- Your company may be something you love. Even if you don’t, you’ll love the idea of working for your dreams and not someone else’s.
44. You will say “yes” as many times as you want.
- You will be able to cohibite depending on the circumstances. But you will know that when faced with good ideas, you will be able to say “yes”.
45. You will decorate as you want.
- Many workers are not happy with their workplaces, and there is not much they can do about it. This will not be your case.
46. You will have 2 families.
- You are born with a family but at work you grow up with another. You will have moments of crisis, hard work, satisfaction, etc; as with your relatives. But living those moments with people who fight for the same work goal; It is one of the great reasons to undertake.
47. You will see it as a game.
- I don’t mean that it’s not something to take seriously. You will be the mind that moves the chips, that plans the strategy, that commands to attack and will know when to take refuge. And that ultimately, will take the prize.
48. You will apply other perspectives.
- The vision of your team members will be vital to complement yours. It does not matter that you have a more complete vision of the panorama. 2 heads think more than one.
49. You will be a great example.
- Society needs people like you, who risk getting what they want and who give others opportunities in their search.
50. You will achieve financial independence.
- It won’t be overnight. But day by day you will lay the foundations to get there, thanks to the fact that you will have time and resources. Also, having convinced you that you are capable.
51. You can delegate.
- At first, you probably can’t do it. But later, you will get rid of the tasks that you do not like so much and you can dedicate yourself 100% to what you like the most.
I sincerely hope that these reasons for starting a business are of great help to you. Either because they will make you start or because in a difficult moment they will make you continue. They are a manifesto of why it is worth fighting for what we want.
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.