In this article you will know What are the ant expenseswhy they are so dangerous and 5 ways to avoid them.
Mortgage, rent, household expenses, transportation, gasoline, children’s university and leisure. It seems a lie, but it is a reality. We live in a world full of expenses that affect us daily and that we must face in the best way.
Likewise, the economic crisis and the difficulty in finding work do not help to make the situation better. We spend more than we divvy up!
Often, we can live drowned by so many payments, but the most important thing is not to be overwhelmed and take effective measures. For all this, Credy Colombia becomes the ideal solution to prevent so many ant expenses consume us joy.
If you want to know more details about how to avoid ant expenses, in this article we reveal which are the most outstanding tips. But first let’s see What are the ant expenses.
What are the ant expenses.
The ant expenses They are present in our day to day without hardly realizing it. If there is a characteristic animal when it comes to working and saving, that is the ant.
We can observe how they store food in order to survive and the way they work. However, beyond issues related to it, the truth is that ant expenses have become a true hell for many people who do not know how to identify them. And therefore, manage to avoid them through advice or online loans.
But what are these types of expenses? Experts do not hesitate to call them as expenses made daily by people, without hardly noticing.
It seems incredible, but that pack of cigarettes, those weekend beers, or different snacks that we bought at the supermarket, They are the ones that complicate that every time we have the accounts healthy.
There is no doubt that this type of expense ant that, at first glance, seems like trifles; they can be equivalent to the money that is consumed monthly in gasoline.
Perhaps this data is not alarming for many people, but what if we told you that with the money spent in this way you could go to the beach on vacation with another person? It seems unbelievable, but it is so.
Therefore, it is best to identify them to avoid them.
How to avoid ant expenses.
The first thing to do is get organized, otherwise it’s out of control.
1. Make a budget.
So, make a weekly budget and try not exceed it; even if you have to draw a shirt that you like so much. If you go over budget, forget it.
Know how much you are going to spend weekly, implies the fact that you think about what you are going to do with the money. That is, what are you going to eat and dine every day to buy only and exclusively what you need.
At the beginning of the article, we highlighted how much money we can spend on beer or tobacco. Get rid of these habits to save a good handful of money, but also to enjoy good health.
2. Schedule ant expenses.
We know that a life without enjoying these small pleasures can be dull and boring; for what it destines this type of events between friends and beer or wine to once a week.
The same happens with the whims when making the purchase. Try to see which ones are cheaper and don’t hesitate to buy those.
3. Choose to save.
One of the bases for saving is to spend less than what you generate monthly. For this reason, allocate part of the money you earn to the bank and save it to create a cushion, or emergency fund, with which to respond to an unforeseen event or a pleasure trip.
If you don’t know how to do it, you can try to save the returns that you get after buying and put it in a piggy bank until you have a considerable amount of money, enough to deposit it in the bank.
you can’t imagine how much money can you save this way in 6 months or 1 year. Try it to believe it.
4. Cook and don’t eat out.
On the other hand, when it comes to work, try to take food from home.
We know that it is a nuisance to have to eat tupperware and that the food is not so appetizing. However, keep in mind that if you go out to eat at a restaurant every day, you will be spending a good part of the money you earn daily at work.
It is not a strict imposition, since it does not hurt that you sporadically treat yourself to your companions, but do not make this practice common.
5. Keep track of your expenses.
Last but not least, keep in mind that recording daily how much you have spent will help you considerably.
Buy yourself a notebook or, choose to do it on your computer using Excel. Write down each and every one of the expenses you make (even if you buy a candy).
This way you can take stock when it comes to suppressing those unnecessary expenses and that are taking a good part of your money.
If you want to help your acquaintances to avoid ant expensesyou can post this infographic on your social networks:
Now that you know what the ant expenses are and how to avoid them, it is time for you to put them into practice today. December is postulated as a month full of expenses and we must be cautious in order to avoid them.
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.