In this article you will know 5 thoughts that reduce your chances of success and why you should remove them.
Ironically, the biggest obstacle that we must overcome every day is ourselves; when among fears, excuses and insecurities we say to ourselves: “I can’t”.
Because of this, we enter into a constant search for information about what we have to do to overcome all the difficulties that come our way.
She is Bel Pesce…
She is a Brazilian entrepreneur and author of the book “A Menina do Vale”, translated into the English version as: “The brazilian girl from silicon valley”.
Bel has a different approach to how to overcome the barriers of entrepreneurship; and he does not look at what should be done, he concentrates on what NO we must let it happen.
That’s why share with us the 5 thoughts that reduce your chances of success.
5 thoughts that reduce your chances of success.
1. Believe in sudden success.
This is one of the most common thoughts that reduce your chances of success.
Bel gives an example that we see every day and that most of us believe is true: the programmer who creates an application, sells it and becomes a millionaire.
Unfortunately it is not that simple! Acquiring the skill takes years and years of study.
An example is Mark Zuckerberg, since he was studying at school he was already learning to program. And before he became a billionaire with Facebook, he created many other applications.
Jose Antonio Vargas, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, cites that “While the kids were playing video games, Mark was making them”.
In Bel’s words, overnight success is a product of everything they’ve done in life up to that point. So things don’t just happen; we must make them happen.
Things don’t just happen, you have to make them happen. Click To Tweet
2. Believing that another person has the answer to our problems.
Despite the fact that the people around us are willing to give their opinions, there are many decisions that must be made; so we cannot be bound to always depend on the advice of others.
It is up to us to follow our instincts and get where we want.
3. Stop when you think growth is guaranteed.
When everything is going well it is common to enter the comfort zone. And when we see the goal closer, we lose the momentum that motivated us in the beginning.
Bel tells how when she launched the sequel to her book, she believed that it was already a guaranteed success, and that even without having to make an effort, it would surely be read by hundreds of thousands.
However, he was not satisfied with that idea and traveled to all the states of Brazil to promote. As a result, he was able to turn those hundreds of thousands into hundreds of millions.
She is emphatic in saying that when we are reaching the top, we must find a higher top and that there is no time to settle.
4. Believing that others are to blame.
Another of the thoughts that reduce your chances of success is that we always have the right excuse for every moment:
- Sales are not going well.
- The market is going through a bad time.
- No one saw the greatness of this product.
On the way we will find obstacles, but if those obstacles are bigger than our will; surely there is a mistake… and surely it is ours.
If we don’t make dreams come true, it’s not the fault of others, it’s ours.
5. Believing that the only thing that matters is the dreams themselves.
Bel rescues the importance of not fixing life on meeting goals and that’s it. She prefers to see life as a journey. Why?
Because reaching a goal gives a momentary sensation and life is not. So he invites us to enjoy the journey. A journey that will be traveled through steps, some successful and others that will lead us to fall; but it ensures that if we celebrate each good step and learn from each bad step, we will surely enjoy the trip.
Also read: 8 thoughts that you must eliminate to be happy and successful.
Eliminating these 5 thoughts that reduce your chances of success is the first step to go far.
They are common thoughts, since they are the easy way to justify our failures. So avoid them as soon as possible.
I hope this information will be of great help to you 🙂
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.