Surely you have had some conversations where you share with your friends and acquaintances some business ideas or even stories of people who have managed to create their own companies and today enjoy the benefits. Despite the dreamy and positive air of these dialogues, there are always thousands of reasons not to carry out any of these ideas.
You do not have the necessary money to start, you will have to dedicate a lot of time, you will have to leave your job, you do not want to get into debt or you do not think you have the necessary experience. In short, since you have nothing to ensure that you will succeed, you prefer to continue in your job, which you feel has a calmer and more stable future, even if you are not happy in it.
Also read: How to start a business without asking for a loan.
Despite all the insecurities that the idea of creating your own business generates in you, it is inevitable to feel attracted to the reality of being able to own your own company. Here are 5 compelling reasons for you to become an entrepreneur.
1. You will have financial independence.
Being honest, this is perhaps the biggest reason why you would create a company. Imagining that you do not depend on your salary and that you should not exchange your time for money would give a 180 degree turn to the life of any person. Creating your own sources of income is the best way to become financially independent.
Also read: 5 reasons to create a business online.
If you love your job and are happy with what you do, that doesn’t mean you can’t be an entrepreneur. But keep in mind that you should invest money to generate more money instead of investing your time to generate it. All you have to do is spend less than you earn and invest the difference.
2. You will be your own boss.
Are you tired of the schedules and of having to answer for your work before someone who maybe doesn’t even value what you do? If you start your own business you determine the time you work, set your goals and schedule your daily activities. In the same way you decide when you can go on vacation and you will have more time to share with your family and friends.
Also read: 4 key differences between a boss and a great leader.
Being your own boss perhaps entails more responsibilities and great discipline, however the advantages are very attractive.
3. You will be able to generate employment.
Taking into account how the job offer is currently, it is much more sensible to think about how to create jobs than to look for one. If you can be part of the solution instead of the problem, why not do it? More than money and your freedom, creating a company generates the satisfaction of being able to contribute to the growth of other people who will be part of your team.
4. You will learn new things every day.
Jobs can be very rewarding at first, but they always end up becoming monotonous and unappealing activities over time. Each new project you undertake will inevitably motivate you to acquire new knowledge and master new skills.
Also read: How to learn faster with these extraordinary tips.
When you are the owner of your company, you know that you must know each and every one of the areas that compose it, you will acquire knowledge about finance, negotiation, marketing and contracting, among others. Being the head of a company will force you to learn to survive. It may take time and effort, however, every second you invest in your learning will generate noticeable results that will be reflected in both your personal and professional life.
5. You will be able to inspire others.
All human beings need inspiration, that is the source that keeps us motivated to achieve our goals. There is no more compelling proof that you can start your own business than meeting someone who has already done it and is enjoying their achievements.
Just the fact of starting to create your business model and testing your idea will generate a positive impact on the people around you. Perhaps at the beginning you will be looking for that inspiration in other people who will become your mentors, however becoming one will be a great satisfaction.
If you are really interested in creating your own business and want to find more information on this subject, buy our book “How to create a company while you work. Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.