In this article you will learn about the importance of resting at night and the 5 habits to sleep well that will allow you to rest to the maximum.
For some people falling asleep is a very complex task. Either due to anxiety or stress after long days of work; have left unfinished tasks; or simply because it is the moment where our mind plans the activities of the next day.
Why is it important to sleep well?
A study by the University of Pennsylvania and Washington State University showed that people who sleep 6 hours or less for several days have mental and physical deficiencies.
These inadequacies manifest in poor concentration, inattention, and problems with motor skills. On the contrary, those who sleep 7 to 8 hours maintain their performance stable.
The study also showed that we ourselves are usually not able to notice these sleep deficiencies and their impact on our performance. That is why it is common for us to hear people say that 6 hours of sleep is enough to be productive. However, it has been shown that they are not at their optimum performance.
Also read: “How much sleep do you need to be productive”
If you are one of these people who has trouble falling asleep or has established a very short bedtime routine; Below you will find 5 habits to sleep well that you must implement to extend your rest and work at 100% of your capacities.
5 habits to sleep well.
1. Create a strategy to organize your activations well before bedtime.
If you have a lot of urgent projects to do in the next few days, this can lead to anxiety and trouble falling asleep.
Write the activities that you must carry out and schedule them during the week with a specific time and date.
You can help yourself with applications like Evernote, they are excellent to download to your computer or phone. In this way you will establish priorities and you will not let these ideas overwhelm you at bedtime.
2. Establish an exact time to sleep every day.
Falling asleep can be a difficult task at first. But the truth is that our body responds much better when we create certain routines.
Strive to create a certain dream block. Go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day.
3. Create an appropriate sleeping environment.
At bedtime, we usually have many electronic devices connected and working. Unfortunately, they all capture our attention, preventing our bodies from preparing for sleep.
Establish a certain period of time to disconnect and turn off everything that could interrupt your sleep. In addition, placing dimmer lights can help you create the necessary atmosphere minutes before going to sleep.
4. Exercise a few hours before going to bed.
This is a very natural way to fall asleep. On the one hand it helps to release the stress that makes sleep difficult. Also, it helps your body and mind to slowly relax during the night.
5. Avoid drinking alcohol.
Contrary to what is thought, having a drink before bed, despite the fact that it helps to fall asleep, reduces the quality of the time you sleep. And this can cause you to get up constantly during the night.
Learning good sleep habits is essential to be able to function at your best. And best of all, they are easy to implement in our lives 🙂
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.