In this article you will know the 5 excuses that keep you from success. Get used to not saying them!
Unproductive people always have a different excuse to justify themselves; maybe it’s his only show of performance.
Productivity is directly rooted in motivation, so if you’re constantly explaining why you’re not working at 100% capacity; it is very possible that you are not doing something that you are passionate about or you are not receiving the reward you expect.
If you’re not working at 100% of your capabilities, you’re doing something you’re not passionate about. Click To Tweet
If you are making the following excuses, there is something you must do right now to change in your life. So pay attention so that you never repeat these silly excuses that keep you from success.
5 silly excuses that keep you from success.
1. “I’ll finish this later.”
The most serious mistake of an entrepreneur is procrastination.
For example, you start one of your tasks and when things get difficult, you decide to look for another activity to evade the effort. And so they can spend the days jumping from one task to another without finishing any.
Unproductive people waste their time avoiding and putting off tasks that require a little effort.
That is why it is vital that you learn how to stop procrastinating and take advantage of time.
2. “I don’t understand this topic” or “I don’t have the answer”.
This is one of the most common excuses that keep you from success.
No person in the world has all the answers, nor knows all the issues. He just thinks that the biggest companies have started with a simple idea and a lot of unknown topics and unanswered questions.
If you are waiting for everything to be perfect to take action, you are going to waste valuable time.
Productive people do their work regardless of whether everything is running smoothly. Because if they don’t have an answer, they look for it; if they don’t know about a subject, they investigate it; and if they have other priorities, they delegate.
3. “This is not going to work, I will not waste my time.”
Unproductive people give up easily, are inpatient, and don’t spend time looking for solutions.
Undertaking a project requires constant trial and error until you find the formula that works. No worthwhile purpose will be achievable overnight.
4. “I have worked too much.”
In a world where technology surrounds us and does not allow us to disconnect, all human beings experience overwork.
Maybe you have a job and at the same time want to start your own company; but every time you get home you realize how hard you’ve worked and decide you deserve a break.
What separates productive from unproductive people is that they don’t stay with the problem; they simply look for a way to do what they are supposed to do.
5. “I’m going to wait for my boss or someone to tell me what to do.”
Whether you work for a company or are starting your own business, it is common for your work to depend in part on other individuals. However, you cannot stop doing your work waiting for approval.
Likewise, if you have any questions, you must find your own means to answer it.
Carrying out a project, and especially developing a business idea, requires you to make decisions. You may make the wrong decision, but the important thing is that you show initiative and get the job done.
Productivity is measured by results, specifically by the time it takes you to complete an activity and the impact it has on the project you are working on.
So stop looking for excuses that keep you from success, use your imagination, use the tools you have at hand and don’t waste time.
Recommended Books.
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.