Have you ever had one of those days where as soon as you wake up, you wish the day was already over? I mean the idea that dragging yourself out of bed and facing the new day is totally daunting.
This is how all my mornings used to be, not some, all of them. No matter what he told me, every day I hated the idea of getting out of bed. My muscles ached and it didn’t make sense, I wasn’t sore from the exercise; At that time I didn’t even know what exercise was.
“Fear, to a large extent, stems from a story we tell ourselves” Cheryl Strayed
Every morning that same sick feeling in my stomach would come, but I wasn’t sick. In my head, being awake was as terrible as being asleep, because the nightmare that tormented my life seemed to follow me everywhere, like a shadow.
That’s what my life was about when all I knew was survival and hustle.
It wasn’t until I made some very important decisions in my life that I began to experience a life free of pain, depression, constant sadness, and anger.
And while today I live in a vastly different reality than the one that once plagued me, I realize that many people are still struggling with irrational fears.
Regarding your reality, there is nothing irrational or trivial about how you feel and what you have to deal with each day.
The burden of life weighs on your shoulders. Whether or not you are in a leadership position or simply want to survive the current state of our society, there is a great need to make humanity remember what is real.
“It’s okay to feel scared. It means you’re about to do something truly brave.” mandy hale
That is why I want to share with you some commandments that will work if you have been tormented by life’s burdens and false conditioning.
Even if you didn’t grow up in poverty and harsh conditions like I did, there is a lot of junk in your mind clouding your path to prosperity and success.
For those days when you don’t even want to get up, feed your mind with these 5 commandments.
1. I overcome my fears of everything because I live my life with courage. We all have fears, but only a few decide to be brave and face them.
2. I don’t need to fear. Because fear is not present, it is in the past and the future, which do not exist in the now. Fears come from past experiences or worries about the future. Live your life without fear of facing your fears, nothing bad is going to happen.
3. Everything will work out for me and others. Although I don’t know how, today I choose to believe that and I will start my day looking forward to looking for opportunities and not obstacles.
4. I will not get discouraged or let outside forces dictate what I know to be true in my heart. I will not allow another’s opinion to kill my dream or hurt me. It’s about being myself, expressing my authentic voice, and recognizing that no one else can do it for me.
5. I am no longer a victim and I stop blaming my situation and the people around me for how I feel, as this only robs me of joy and success. Because I know I was born to win and succeed, I’m going to keep going, firmly grounded in my own power to change my life for the better and empower others to do the same.
If you are really interested in creating your own business and want to find more information on this subject, buy our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.