Starting the day with all the energy after long days of work is not an easy task. We usually get out of bed, take a shower, and make coffee before going to work. However, there are healthy habits that greatly contribute to our performance.
Here are 4 healthy habits in the morning that will help you have a productive day and stay energized throughout your day:
Healthy habits to have more productive mornings.
1. Exercise.
Undoubtedly, exercising in the morning is the most favorable activity for your body and mind. It depends on the availability of time you have, we know that in the morning you don’t have much, but if you do physical activity for 10 to 30 minutes, this will make a difference at the start of your day.
On the internet there are countless workouts that allow you to train for as long as you want, from 7 minutes onwards, so there is no excuse not to do it. A good option is also to dedicate a few minutes to meditation, this will clear your mind to face the rush of the day. (Learn 5 incredible benefits of meditation)
2. Set goals for the day and assign them a priority.
Simply pick two or three things that you would like to accomplish or accomplish by the end of your day. You can think about it while waiting for your coffee or on the way to your workplace.
Prioritizing allows you to know how to use your time and when you do it with a clear mind in the morning, you can establish a better strategy to face the challenges of the day.
3. Change your breakfast by drinking nutritious or detoxifying juices.
Surely you have heard about the green juices or detox in the morning. This stopped being one of the healthy habits only for people who wanted to lose weight or treat a gastric problem.
I know that it is more practical to prepare a cereal, a coffee or even not have breakfast. However, the benefits of these juices are proven and preparing one will take you little time in the morning. Literally in just 1 minute.
You can prepare a simple one based on banana, orange, apple and two vegetables such as spinach and cucumber in the blender 3 times a week. You will notice a change in your body and your performance of the day.
4. Establish a time to go to sleep, so you will have an excellent morning.
Definitely the worst mornings are the ones we wake up exhausted due to not getting enough sleep. According to time management expert Laura Vanderkam, author of the book “What does the most successfull people do before breakfast,” it is necessary to set a certain time to go to bed. Many activities at night like being on the computer or watching television reduce valuable sleep time which makes our morning more exhausting.
Starting the day after an excellent rest raises your productivity. It allows you to be clear-headed to set the goals for the day, prioritize the most important tasks, and have the energy you need to complete them.
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can purchase our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.