As you go through the process of starting your own business and learning to adjust to new (and often intimidating) commitments, it’s important to understand that during the journey there are mental and physical battles to build a business.
There will be ups and there will certainly be downs. If you are careful to learn from your mistakes and minimize negative results as much as possible, you will have a very latent opportunity to succeed in business.
Also read: 15 reasons to create a company and not be an employee.
Making the final decision to start your own business and create the lifestyle you want to live will require all of your mental and physical strength.
In our experience starting businesses, these are the 4 most difficult mental stages on the path to becoming a successful entrepreneur:
4 hard but incredible stages of being an entrepreneur.
1. The sacrifice.
This is by far the most mentally difficult stage of the journey. At first, everything you do will feel like a huge sacrifice.
When your friends are all together on Friday night, you’re at home working on your app, doing freelance work, or putting the finishing touches on your prototypes.
You are likely to reflect often. You will doubt the work you are doing and you will seek external approval to help you justify all the time you invest in your project.
Few people will understand why you do it and they will surely judge you. Get used to it and don’t let yourself be defeated, what you do will bring you more pride than continuing to do what everyone else does.
Also read: 7 books to create a company in 2018.
2. Heavy work.
Now that you’re comfortable with the discomfort of starting a business, learning new skills, and sharing your ideas with the world; you start to get into a rhythm.
You’ll slip into a routine that will help you maximize your productivity, so you’re spending as much time as possible on your new business.
During this stage, you will begin to gain momentum and experience bigger wins more often. You will have eliminated the regular feelings of doubt and will focus on growing your business idea to find valuable solutions for your clients.
However, the more results you see, the more you will want to work. Don’t forget to rest, your mind and body need rest to be productive.
3. Life.
Your new business is generating income. You know who your customers are and how to reach them. Your business has momentum and you are confident in your abilities to serve those customers better than your competitors.
If you started your venture while working for another company, it is likely that at this stage you receive a minimum income that allows you to dedicate full time to it.
No one but you knows when is the right time to dedicate full time to your new company.
4. Freedom.
After all the hard work, you’ll have plenty to be proud of. The journey will never be easy in the business world and your ambition will be the fuel that pushes you towards new goals.
However, once your business has reached a certain level with respect to the product/market, you will be able to scale your operations much more quickly now that you have the time, energy, and mental clarity to focus on a long-term vision.
You’ll be able to step away from the business occasionally and rely on the systems and people you’ve designated to help you keep things in order, while enjoying the lifestyle benefits of owning your own business.
Also read: How to earn millions with a business idea that is not original.
True entrepreneurs never stop challenging themselves, pushing the limits and operating in difficult scenarios. This is how we grow.
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.