In this article you will find steps to negotiate that will allow you to achieve the objective you are looking for and make both parties win.
In our everyday lives, we will always come across situations that involve some kind of negotiation. The method of trading It does not only belong to the field of companies and businesses, human beings are always negotiating something. Do not you believe it?
Let’s reflect… When you are young, maybe a few years ago… Oh no wait, don’t go in the loop of time to remember those yesterdays, let me finish my hypothesis…
At that age, if you want to party, you must negotiate with your parents your arrival time, if they will pick you up, etc; stating your reasons why you should be given that permission; That is pure negotiation.
When you grow up, study and get your first job, you negotiate with your boss the terms of your contract (always do the latter before signing). Then you keep moving forward in life and you realize that you also have to negotiate with your partner, for example who will take out the garbage, who will walk the dog, and so on.
Think for a moment, if you are capable of negotiating in the situations that I have just related, where you involve feelings, values and beliefs; Imagine all you can get by learning to negotiate correctly in a professional setting, using steps to negotiate that allow both parties to benefit.
Of course this does not mean that the following tips cannot be applied to any situation of our daily lifeso let’s get started:
4 easy steps to negotiate with win-win results.
1. Observe the situation to be negotiated from the point of view of your counterpart.
For this it is essential that you be empathetic, that is, put yourself in the shoes of the person with whom you are negotiating.
Try to understand it even better than the other person might. That’s right, what did you think I would tell you? Come on, take them down! No, remember that the important thing here is that you try to really understand the needs and concerns of the other party. This is fundamental to all sales techniques.
2. Identify the key issues involved and not the points of view.
You must be objective and not be guided by your assumptions. For example, imagine that you are negotiating with a supplier for a better price for some service, and he does not want to give in; do not let yourself be guided by conjectures such as: “Wow, this person really wants to see my face!”
Instead of having those kinds of thoughts, why not look at it objectively?…
The supplier may be giving you its standard price, however, we are in the middle of a crisis and the material necessary to provide the service increased by 5%; for that reason he had to increase the price.
The key issue here is to understand that this economic crisis affects us all (since I can remember we are always in crisis, some worse than others of course), and that the provider has nothing against you and does not want to scam you. My advice is: stay alert and don’t take it personally.
3. Determine what results would constitute a totally acceptable solution.
Following the topic of the provider/seller, what would happen if you accept his offer in exchange for not increasing his price for the services he performs for the next 6 months?
Keep in mind that once you have given in to one of the other person’s requests, he or she may also give in to one of yours. Otherwise, it is best to withdraw; Since those types of negotiators only care about their benefit, and would you really want to deal with someone like that?
4. Identify new possible options to achieve the results you seek.
For some reason that I still don’t understand, human beings have been taught to think dichotomous form. That is, either it is one option or it is another, or it is white or it is black; but they never teach us to think of a third alternative, or as some authors quote “get out of the box.”
Although I must mention that my favorite is the motto “think different” (think different) by Steve Jobs, God rest his soul, because thanks to him we have our iPhone.
But seriously, we must put aside that dichotomous way of thinking and open our minds to a third alternative; in which new options materialize and both parties can achieve the long-awaited win-win. In the end we are all going to die like Steve, so what do you have to lose?
Apart from these steps to negotiate there are also strategies to achieve a aggressive negotiation where your only goal is to win and get the most out of the other party; sometimes through misleading communications, or unfair practices. However, he remembers: Integrity is paramount both in business and in life, as it is the value we place on ourselves.
Win-win is based on an upright and mature character, with a abundance mentality. Ask yourself, if you were in the situation of negotiating with someone like Donald Trump, who only cares about his benefit and that others forget about any hint of profit…
Would you want to have dealings with that person again? Or would you avoid it at all costs, hindering future earnings for both him and your own convenience.
By this I do not mean to say that these practices should be avoided or else you will burn in hell, because hell! Look at Trump it seems to have worked for him, but unless you have a tower on 5th avenue in Manhattan with your name in gold letters, like our tan example, and you are also president of the USA; I recommend you search win-win situationssince in today’s world they are the trends that we are all looking for.
Thanks for reading me! I invite you to follow me on Instagram
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.