In this article you will know 33 tips to learn how to be more productive.
For years it has been proven that our brain is not made to keep us focused during 8 hours of work.
It could be said that it is physically impossible to do it, even for an hour and a half at 100%.
Many times, after 30 minutes of work, we end up watching a video on YouTube or checking social networks; Activities in which we spend more time than we think, as our brain looks for ways to rest.
Contrary to what many people think, working long hours eliminating all kinds of distractions is not entirely the answer to productivity.
The Draugiem Group company conducted research where it analyzed the work habits of its best-performing employees.
The company found that those with the best results left their jobs for at least 17 minutes after working for 52; time that they spent mostly talking with their peers, but always in offline activities.
Taking breaks is the first tip to learn how to be more productive.
If you know that you have 52 minutes to advance as much as you can in your work; you will make the most of them. In short, you will work with a purpose, explains Julia Gifford, an employee at Draugiem Group.
You must commit to completing your tasks or making progress on them during that time. Working more will reduce your concentration levels and delivery with some tasks. So the best way to stay productive is by taking regular breaks.
This is just 1 tip, but there is much more. Below you will find 33 tips for you to learn how to be more productive:
How to be more productive.
How to be more productive through planning.
- Avoid creating too long a to-do list. Prioritize the most important ones and reduce your daily list to 1 extensive task, 3 medium tasks and 5 simple ones.
- Specify the tasks. let me explain. If your goal is to “lose weight”, and that’s what you think you should do, it’s going to be very difficult for you to do it. It is better to divide that goal into more achievable sub-goals. Like “go to the gym for 2 hours”, “eat less than 1200 calories”, etc.
- Use apps to keep track of your tasks and manage your information no matter where you are. Have you used Evernote?
- After thinking about all the tasks you need to do, think hard about which ones you can eliminate or delegate. Use this method.
- Do what you like the most first. This way you will start your day being more productive and you will motivate yourself.
- Make sure you finish a very important task before lunch. So that in the afternoon you have the security of being able to finish the simplest tasks.
- At the end of the day, take a few minutes to plan your next day.
How to be more productive reviewing the mail.
- Don’t check your email all the time. Define only a few moments of the day to do it and try not to be more than 5 times a day.
- If you are very busy and need time, add “sent from my iPhone” at the end of the email. So the other person will know that you are not in your office.
- Prioritize the most important emails, and answer them in that order.
- There are emails that are not worth your time. Select the ones you will answer and delete the ones you won’t. This way you clean up your inbox and have less to think about.
- Don’t let your first task of the day be checking emails. Remember that it is better to do a very important task first. And reading emails is distracting and can take up a lot of time.
- If you must send the same email often; create templates. Save in a word document what you have to send and then simply copy-paste it. This way you will save time.
- If your mail allows it, create filters so that the mails are saved in the correct folder. This way you will know much faster what to check first.
- If possible, do not reply to emails with questions. This will prevent it from becoming a “conversation” and wasting more time.
How to be more productive in rmeetings.
- Allocate just enough time for meetings. Not all of them should last 1 or 2 hours; when they can last 20 minutes.
- Do not organize or attend meetings to give out information that can be sent by email.
- Only attend meetings where a decision is to be made or a team task is completed.
- If you must meet someone who is far away, decide if you need to meet in person. A video call saves you a lot of time on the go.
- Make sure you know how to plan meetings. So you don’t waste time wandering.
- If they call you on the phone for something important, define a time limit. Sometimes the subject of work goes into the background and you start talking about something else. And as a result, you end up wasting a lot of time.
- If you run the meeting, summarize everything at the end. This way, if there is a next meeting, it will be perfectly clear where they should start from.
How to be more productive msuffocating time.
- Do not think that 10 minutes is a short time. There are several tasks that you can finish in less than 5 minutes.
- Don’t waste the whole weekend. You can allocate a few hours and advance some “light work”. Or take advantage to start your venture.
- Define deadlines to finish your tasks. This way, if you’re committed, you won’t be distracted until you’re done.
- As you read at the beginning of the article. When you schedule your day, make sure you have breaks. Remember that you can’t work that long in a row, because staying focused becomes more and more difficult.
- reward yourself. For example, you can give yourself 15 minutes to review social networks; but only after finishing some task.
- Have “emergency tasks” in case for some reason you can’t do the tasks on your list. For example, because there is no internet or the person you were going to work with cannot.
How to be more productive andavoiding distractions.
- Put your cell phone in airplane mode when you need maximum concentration. This way you will not be tempted to answer messages whenever they arrive.
- If noise distracts you in your office, wear headphones. And make sure you listen to something that won’t distract you more than your coworkers. (Check point 5 of this article on how to concentrate to study)
- If you are browsing the internet and see important information; do not be tempted to review it at once. Apps like Pocket let you save it and review it later.
- Do you have a weakness for entering certain websites that take up your time? Use apps like SelfControl to block access for a certain amount of time.
- Don’t multitask. Here is the explanation.
To learn how to be more productive it is available to everyone. You simply have to attack the 5 areas that we mentioned above and you will see how your new productivity will bring better results.
I hope this information is helpful to you 🙂
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.