In a world that turns around more than we can count, we live trapped in our desires to be financially free. How ironic, right?
By focusing on what we believe to be the most important, we neglect the most valuable possession we have: ourselves. That is why it is important that we occasionally slow down, and just as we feed our mind and our body; Let’s feed our spirit.
These quotes from Deepak Chopra, motivational speaker and author of more than 25 books, seek to make us pause along the way and think a little further.
Chopra, born in India, studied medicine before living in the United States, and today is one of the leaders in alternative medicine who travels the world giving talks on “quantum healing.” And despite having some recognized detractors, he has an excellent track record and international recognition.
Deepak Chopra phrases to feed the spirit:
1. The highest levels of performance come from people who are focused, intuitive, creative, and thoughtful—people who know that a problem is an opportunity.
two. In the midst of movement and chaos, keep the stillness within you.
3. There are no additional parts in the universe. Everyone is here because he or she has a place to fill, and each piece must fit into the big puzzle.
Four. In a person’s career, as long as they are process oriented and not totally results oriented, they are more likely to succeed. I often say: ‘seek excellence, ignore success’. Success is a byproduct of excellence.
5. People need to know that they have all the tools within themselves. Self-awareness, which means awareness of their body, awareness of their mental space, awareness of their relationships, not only between people, but with life and the ecosystem.
6. It takes a little attention and a little attention to others to be a good listener, which helps cultivate emotional engagement.
7. Success comes when people act together; failure tends to happen by itself.
8. Once you are more aware of people’s needs, you can create action plans for others to follow. That way, you are also responsible for your own well-being.
9. No solution can be found by running in three different directions.
10. The way you think, the way you behave and the way you eat, can influence your life from 30 to 50 years.
eleven. Life gives you plenty of time to do what you want to do, as long as you stay in the present moment.
12. Wealth is the progressive realization of worthwhile goals, the ability to love and have compassion, meaningful and caring relationships.
Deepak Chopra Quotes #13
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14. Your conscious brain cannot multitask. If I’m talking to you and checking my iPhone at the same time, I’m not doing either. This is the reason why our society is exhausted; this misconception that we can consciously do more than one thing at a time effectively.
fifteen. Dynamic activity and deep rest of the mind are complementary to each other.
16. No matter how closely they examine the water, glucose, and electrolyte salts in the human brain, they cannot find the point where these molecules become consciousness.
17. In societies where older workers are respected and their wisdom is respected, everyone benefits. Workers are more engaged and productive. Their health is better and they live longer.
18. When resources become scarce, humans do not suddenly cooperate to conserve what is left. They fight to the last for possession of a dwindling resource.
19. Our thinking and our behavior are always waiting for an answer. Therefore, they are fear based.
twenty. You cannot make positive decisions for the rest of your life without an environment that makes them easy, natural, and enjoyable.
twenty-one. I have all the time in the world. I am in touch with the timeless. I am surrounded by infinity. When I think like that, it doesn’t mean I’m going to let my train pass, it just means I’m not thinking about it right now because I’m talking to you.
22. Being more aware creates responsibility. What does responsibility mean? It means the ability to respond. The more aware you are of your responsiveness, the more creative you will be.
23. Research has shown that the best way to be happy is to make every day happy.
Deepak Chopra Quotes #24
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25. Meditation brings the entire nervous system into a coherent field.
26. The real secret to lifelong good health is to let your body take care of you.
27. Karma, when properly understood, is just the mechanics through which consciousness manifests.
28. Our minds influence important brain activity, which then influences everything: perception, cognition, thoughts and feelings, personal relationships; they are all a projection of you.
29. The less you open your heart to others, the more it suffers.
30. Before the brain can register a thought, the mind must think it. Every step of the way is mind over matter. We override our brain all the time.
If you want to know millionaire success phrases, click here!
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.