In this article you will learn the 3 steps you must take to learn how to invest if you have little money. You will see that it is possible 🙂
Every day ask yourself this question: What can I learn today that will have the greatest impact on my life and my financial situation?
If you have little or no money, it is obvious that the idea of investing is not among your plans. However, it is precisely that thought that does not allow you to increase your income, save more and finally invest to secure your future.
One of the big problems is that we always wait until we are in a comfortable position to start investing. And the reality is that we must do it as soon as possible; taking into account the benefits and the great power of compound interest for the growth of your money.
Additionally, investing is more than just an activity: it’s a habit. And the faster you incorporate it into your routine, the faster you’ll see results.
How to invest if you have little money?
The first step is clearly to cover your basic needs (Housing, food, etc.) What to do next?
Answer the following: What can I use the little money I have left today to make a bigger impact in the long run?
Find below 3 smart movements that will allow you to start investing even if you have little money:
1. Pay all your debts.
Pay debts? You may think that this is not investing. However, if you think carefully and of course in the long term; You will see that paying debts is one of the simplest ways of investing.
The interest rates of a credit card are above 20%, but if you review the returns presented by the stock market, they do not exceed 10%.
It is precisely for this reason that getting rid of those debts that present such high interest, It is an action that you should take as soon as possible..
If you still think that this is not an investment, you are wrong.
Even if your bank account isn’t growing, as it would be if you invested in a growing stock; you will be saving a lot of money by not paying those high interest.
2. Get ready and start investing in stocks.
One of the best ways to start is by investing in stocks. You do not necessarily have to invest in the stock market of your country. You can do it on the New York Stock Exchange and receive income in dollars.
If you are interested in investing in the stock market, this course will be of great help.
I know what you’re thinking. That you don’t have money and therefore investing in the stock market is impossible at this time. That is why it is essential that while you get out of your debts, you begin to prepare.
When you have more cash flow, you shouldn’t buy thousands of shares; You can start by buying one or two shares of companies that you have analyzed and think have opportunities for growth.
This way you can practice and train yourself for when you can make bigger investments.
This is how the rich get richer, by investing in stocks.
Have you heard of Warren Buffett? Well, he is one of the richest men in the world. Do you know how he made his fortune? Investing in Stocks.
Bill Gates is not the richest man in the world just because of Microsoft. He has his money invested in many other companies that generate great profitability.
Tony Robbins, one of the most renowned motivational coaches and author of several best-selling books such as “Money: Master the Game”; He hasn’t made his fortune from just giving his talks. He has used that money by investing in stocks to multiply his earnings.
At this stage where you really don’t have a lot of money to invest, starting your training is the step you should take.
3. Learn to invest in Binary Options.
Another investment option is binary options. We propose this method because it is simpler and more direct than going directly to investing in shares.
Although you should prepare in the same way, binary options have certain differences that will make your life a little easier.
What is it about?
Binary options are financial assets in which you can invest your money by betting which direction their value goes. That is, you bet if the price goes up or down, and win a fixed amount regardless of how much the option price increased or decreased.
Each option has a deadline and a maximum value. Your position will be open until the deadline is met or the maximum value is reached. If you bet that the option goes up and it doesn’t, you lose your investment. But if it goes up, you win.
One of the positive elements of this method is that you will know in advance how much money you can earn or lose when making the investment.
Investing in binary options is a quick and easy way to invest. You only select a financial asset and bet on one of the positions, up or down.
If you want to learn more about this topic, this course will help you enter the world of binary options. To access click here.
What other things can I do to start investing?
A bad economic situation is not always 100% an effect of circumstances. In fact, much of this problem is your way of thinking.
For this reason, one of the best investments you can make is to invest in yourself. And doing so won’t cost you an arm and a leg.
Investing in yourself can be as simple as reading a book or even setting aside time to learn a new skill. The Internet is full of courses, and many are free!
Also read: 17 simple and intelligent ways to save more money.
Ultimately, it is your skills that will take you from poverty to where you want to go.
So what can you learn today that will have the biggest impact on your life and financial situation?
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.