Teachings of the Trappist monks to attract success.
When we think of characters like Tenzyn Gyatso (current Dalai Lama) or Matthieu Richard (the happiest man in the world), the word wisdom comes to mind.
Monks have taught all cultures life lessons to be better people and make the world a better place.
August Turak, a successful entrepreneur who lived with the Trappist monks at Mepkin Abbey for 17 years, understood that many of their lessons transcended the spiritual realm; They were also used for business.
The Trappist monks follow the Benedictine rules, which have as an essential part that all monasteries must be self-sufficient. For this reason they cultivate, work and sell products. Seeing that work and its results, he understood that big mistakes were being made in organizations that affected all processes. In his book titled Trappist Monk Business Secrets: A CEO Who Ventured In Search of Meaning and Authenticitycompiles many of his teachings and in ModoEmprendedor we share them with you:
Teachings of the Trappist monks to attract success.
1. The problem with life is that it can only be lived forwards and understood backwards.
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two. Business success for monks comes from a life well lived.
3. Good service and selflessness not only produce much more successful organizations, they also create happier employees and customers.
Four. The best leaders understand that the more they focus on making other people successful, the more successful they will become.
5. Every challenge we face is also an opportunity to transform ourselves, if we learn to see it the right way.
6. We are happiest and most productive when our sense of time disappears and we forget about ourselves.
7. Always aim beyond the target.
8. Whatever we want from others, we must have the courage to offer it first.
9. Excellence must be what we become.
10. The single biggest reason so few businesses reach their full potential is because their mission is too small.
eleven. In the end, what makes the difference is what we stop doing, not what we did.
12. The more we put others first, the faster we will reach our goals.
Teachings of the Trappist Monks #13.
Good people with good intentions is not enough.
14. Excellence should be the norm, not the exception.
fifteen. The clearest evidence that a person can be trusted is that they keep their promises.
16. The pressure produced by new challenges not only builds character, it also reveals it.
17. If people have to be behind you for you to keep your promises, you’ve already lost all your credibility.
18. Authentic success, be it personal, professional or organizational; it is usually just the derivative, the indicator, of serving a mission greater than ourselves.
19. The monks have discovered a real secret: It is in our own interest that we can forget our own interest.
twenty. If we really want to understand what motivates people, we need to look at where they currently spend their money; not doing surveys or focus groups.
twenty-one. We must give people the opportunity to satisfy their desire for transformation.
22. The task of management is to create superior organizations by getting extraordinary results from ordinary people.
23. We would probably admit that we feel more fulfilled when we sacrifice for something worthwhile.
24. Service and selflessness must become habitual, automatic, and second nature.
25. Every problem is actually an opportunity.
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.