In this article you will learn about 22 marketing laws that will make your creativity, energy and time dedicated to a product or service; worth it
If you are reading an article in an entrepreneurship community like ModoEmprendedor, it is possible that you are one of the people who live thinking about millions of ideas that can make you a millionaire.
That’s incredible, without ideas there would be no innovation; but we must not forget that without execution, ideas are useless.
Many of our readers share incredible ideas with us, some that are just ideas so far and others that are already a reality. However, it is common that when it comes to having to make them known; make mistakes in an area that can catapult you to success or topple failure: Marketing.
Have you ever heard the term “positioning”? Surely yes and it was thanks to Al Ries, “a legendary advertising, marketing and branding strategist”; as he says on the website of his successful consulting company “Ries & Ries”.
Al Ries and Jack Trout, co-authors of the best-selling book “Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind” say that no matter how much creativity, energy, time, and money is invested in marketing; If you don’t work based on these 22 marketing laws, the laws will work against you.
The 22 laws of marketing are as follows:
22 laws of marketing.
1. leadership law: It is always better to be first than to be better.
two. category law: If it is impossible to be the first in your category; invent another one in which you will be the first
3. law of the consumer mind: It is better to be first in the mind of the consumer than to be first in the market.
Four. law of perception: Marketing is not a battle of products; it is a battle of perceptions.
Also read: How to create, sell and distribute a product.
5. law of attention: The key is to find an effective way to own a word in the minds of your potential customers.
6. Law of exclusivity: 2 companies cannot own the same word in the consumer’s mind.
7. the law of the ladder: The marketing strategy you use depends on which rung of the ladder you are on.
8. law of duality: Long-term; all marketing battles will become a race between 2 competitors.
9. law of the opposite: If you aim to be second in your market; your best strategy is determined by the leader.
10. law of division: In a period of time; most categories will be divided into segments that will “act” as categories.
eleven. law of perspective: The results of marketing programs will only be apparent after a long period of time (Be patient).
12. law of extensions: There is often an irresistible temptation to extend the value of the brand.
13. law of sacrifice: You have to sacrifice to get. (He refers to the fact that it is better to give up wanting to cover everything and focus on specific markets)
14. law of attributes: For each attribute used in marketing; there is an opposite that can be used successfully.
fifteen. law of sincerity: When you admit something negative; the prospect will recognize you something positive.
16. law of singularity: There will always be a particular movement that will bring substantial results. (80% of our results come from 20% of our efforts)
17. law of the unpredictable: Unless you write the plans of your competition; the future will be unpredictable.
18. law of success: Success often leads to arrogance and eventually failure.
19. law of failure: Failure must be expected and accepted.
twenty. law of hope: The real situation is often the opposite of what is published.
twenty-one. law of acceleration: Success is built on trends; not about passing fads.
22. resource law: Without the right funding, a good idea won’t get off the ground.
We must not neglect this part, without an adequate marketing strategy we will lose a lot of time and in the worst case; we will lose everything. If you want to know more about each of the laws, leave your comments at the end of the article…
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.