Would you like to have more than 24 hours in a day to do more things? Every time a new year begins, you enter a time of creating new habits, tools and techniques that work in our favor to achieve our goals. Still, we are still searching for the answer to: How do I know if I am productive?
Also, nothing you do will work until you have a firm understanding of how to run your life.
As you can’t control “time” as such, since the seconds, minutes and hours are marked never to be retrieved again.
However, you can control your ability to discipline your mind to make it more efficient and productive.
As you learn to train your brain and adapt these habits, you will notice a greater sense of control over your time and you will be able to say: I am productive.
How do I know if I am productive? (19 strategies that you must apply)
1. You won’t do too many things at once. Studies claim that it can be harmful to our brains. You end up splitting your focus across many tasks, losing focus, reducing the quality of your work, and taking longer to achieve your goals.
two. You start and end meetings on time. You do not deviate or allow the meeting agenda to be changed.
3. You set boundaries and say “no” to people when necessary, so your precious time is protected.
Four. You schedule low-priority calls and tasks during “time windows” when your energy level is lowest.
5. You identify the times of the day when you are most productive and focus your energy on doing the things that matter most during those times.
6. You delegate wisely to free up time and make sure you only do what you have to.
7. You are aware of those who waste time. Like visitors stopping by your workspace to talk, useless meetings, distracting phone calls, and anything else that interrupts your state of concentration.
8. Break larger goals down into smaller goals and tasks that can be easily accomplished to avoid being overwhelmed.
9. You avoid, as often as you can, meetings that are not a good use of your time.
10. Schedule specific blocks of time to return phone calls and emails, and avoid doing so sporadically throughout the day.
eleven. If possible, you maintain a healthy work-life balance, and on rare occasions, bring work home.
12. You finish one task before moving on to the next.
I am productive #13. I do what requires the most discipline first.
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14. You spend some time on Sunday night (like 30 minutes to an hour) planning and mentally preparing for the week ahead.
fifteen. You never touch things more than once. When you read an email or receive a text, you respond quickly.
16. You turn off unnecessary notifications that are more harmful than helpful. If it diverts your attention and constantly interrupts you, you turn it off.
17. You limit the amount of time you spend on social media. At work, you allocate the appropriate amount of time to use it.
18. You only start side projects that you commit to finishing. You determine what is involved and the amount of time it will take you to do it with excellence. Otherwise you walk away.
19. You adopt the preferred work routine of super-productive people: Spend 52 minutes absorbed in your work, then take a smart 17-minute break. Research says that shifting your focus from intense work to a resting state and having longer periods of inactivity are keys to being more productive.
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can purchase our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.