In this article you will know 18 habits of the rich to be richer; distributed in 3 different areas.
The top 1% of the population (The richest men in the world) do some things differently from the rest of society.
For this reason I thought it would be opportune to share with you some results of my research; about 18 habits that the rich have distributed in 3 areas: how the rich act, how the rich speak and how the rich think.
18 habits that the rich have to be richer.
Habits that the rich have in their way of acting.
When you walk the path of the 1% of the population that has been successful, it is because you behave like one of them.
Millionaires have certain rituals and habits that set them on the path to success. What are some of these habits?
1. They take care of their physique:
76% of rich people analyzed in my study do between 20 and 30 minutes of cardio 4 or more days of the week.
Cycling, running and swimming are some of his most common activities. They are completely free and anyone can do them.
Additionally, 75% completely avoid fast food restaurants; since they consider it unhealthy and one of the main causes of obesity and heart problems.
2. They read.
85% read between 1 and 2 books a month and 88% read for 30 minutes or more every day. 51% read about history, 55% read about motivation and self-help, 58% read biographies of successful people, and 79% read educational material.
3. They socialize.
86% connect with people who can help them achieve their dreams and meet their goals. Usually with people who had similar thoughts and likes.
4. They are decision makers.
91% were the decision makers in their businesses. They are quick to do so and assume the consequences thereof. They took them without thinking too much.
5. They have good manners.
75% send thank you cards and on special occasions. They use keywords like thank you and please.
In addition, they have great social skills. For example, they look into the eyes while listening. They remember birthdays, anniversaries and important events. And they don’t complain or criticize.
6. They chase dreams that they are passionate about.
82% pursue those things that they are passionate about. Passion is like a light switch. When lit it gives you an unlimited supply of persistence; and persistence is the number 1 trait of successful people.
7. They focus on achieving big goals.
55% were mainly pursuing one goal for more than 1 year.
8. They often say “NO”.
A habit of the rich is to say no to people or situations that interfered with the important things they wanted to achieve.
It’s hard to say “no” but learning how to do it is a great time management tool.
There are still many habits that the rich have, but first, we need you to do us a favor. Simply vote from 1 to 5 to see how you’ve found this article so far. Thank you!
Let’s continue…
Habits that the rich have in their way of speaking.
Constant communication is a fundamental requirement for establishing connections with others.
The top #1 are excellent communicators and for this reason they are able to build strong and lasting relationships. What are some communication habits I discovered in my research?
9. They never talk about others.
94% avoid as much as possible the gossipbecause they know that it is negative and causes irreparable damage to relationships.
10. They call their friends on birthdays.
80% make birthday calls to those people who are important. They know that this type of action contributes to maintaining strong ties.
Furthermore, approximately 25% of those calls are reciprocated on their birthdays.
11. They make calls just to say hello.
80% make regular calls to people with whom they want to maintain valuable relationships.
12. They think before they speak.
94% never say what’s on their mind without first knowing if it’s appropriate. They contain themselves. In this way they can effectively analyze and communicate their thoughts.
Habits that the rich have in their way of thinking.
Any thought that is repeated continuously becomes a habit, and those thoughts make up who we are.
1% of the population is a millionaire because of the way they usually think. Also, your thoughts are followed by your emotions. Therefore, if you have certain thoughts permanently, you will act according to them.
Getting to this point requires you to think big thoughts. If you want to be rich you must think like one of them. What are the usual thoughts of the richest people on the planet?
13. They believe in themselves.
79% were convinced that they could go from poor to middle class, until they became millionaires. 90% do not believe in destiny. They firmly believe that they are the architects of their future.
14. They believe that hard work trumps intelligence.
90% are convinced that working hard brings better results than having a high IQ.
15. They believe that persistence brings good luck.
92% say they created their own luck by relentlessly pursuing something they were passionate about. They were persistent and patient in pursuing their dreams.
On average it took these people 12 years to succeed and become millionaires.
16. They are optimistic.
54% believe their optimism was a major factor in their success.
17. They control their emotions.
81% had the habit of controlling their negative emotions such as anger, envy, resentment and hatred. This facilitates important negotiations.
18. They believe that honesty is the best policy.
85% claimed to be sincere all the time, they never lied. Being perceived as an honest person builds trust, the foundation for success and good relationships.
These 18 habits of the rich They allowed them to get to where they are. You should also keep in mind that it is not a process that will happen from 1 day to the next, but it is possible to do it; and that’s why you should try it.
We hope this information will be of great help to you 🙂
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can read our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.
This article was originally published on richhabits.net. Its translation and publication in ModoEmprendedor has been authorized directly by the author and cannot be reproduced by any other means.