In this article you will know 15 tips for entrepreneursgiven by the best businessmen and entrepreneurs leading large companies.
They say that out of every 10 new companies, 1 succeeds and that on average 70% to 80% fail within 10 years. They don’t look like very encouraging numbers, do they?
It is for this reason that we look for what the great entrepreneurs who are part of that envied 10% had to teach us.
From multinational founders, CEOs of the greatest companies, application programmers who are here to stay, and members of the select group of the 100 most powerful and influential men and women worldwide; They give us tips that led them to be successful and what is better, that allow them to stay where they are…
15 tips for entrepreneurs from the best entrepreneurs.
1. Find an easy way to track your progress so you can actually see how you’ve grown, how your business has grown, and how your leadership has grown. Jack Dorsey-co-founder of Twitter and Square.
two. Don’t play games you don’t understand, even if you see a lot of people making money from them. Tony Hsieh, CEO of Zappos.
3. I try to learn from the past but plan for the future based solely on the present. That’s where the fun is. Donald Trump, Founder of Trump Entertainment Resorts.
Four. It takes 20 years to build a good reputation and only 5 minutes to ruin it. If you think about it you will do things differently. Warren buffet, top 3 of the richest men on the planet.
Tips for entrepreneurs #5
5. My mother always taught me to never look back and regret it but to move on and do more. The time people spend thinking about their failures instead of investing that energy in other projects has always amazed me. Richard Branson, English tycoon creator of Virgin.
6. Buyers decide in the first 8 seconds after seeing the house if they are interested in buying it. Get out of your car, walk in their shoes and see what they see in the first 8 seconds.
If you want to know your buyers, practice empathy. Look at things from the perspective of the consumer. That advice is an invaluable tool for improvement. Barbara Corcoran, American businesswoman and television celebrity (Shark Tank).
7. I think now is our time. My mother was always told that she only had two options: she could be a nurse or a teacher.
Now the external barriers are much lower if we realize what the real problems are, we can solve them. It is not so difficult. Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook.
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Tips for entrepreneurs #8
8. Part of being a winner is knowing when enough is enough. Sometimes it’s time to give up and put the fight aside to move on to more productive things. Donald Trump, Founder of Trump Entertainment Resorts.
9. Your first projects aren’t the best things in the world, they don’t have a monetary value and they may have no direction, but that’s how you learn; putting all the effort into something you think is right and it’s for you. Stephen Wozniak, Co-founder of Apple.
10. Customers don’t care what the technology is as long as it solves a problem in a superior way. If you can’t monopolize a single solution for a small market, you’ll be stuck with malicious competition. Peter Thiel, Co-founder of Paypal.
eleven. We think it’s really important to come up with values that you can commit to, and by commitment, we mean that you’re willing to hire and fire based on those values.
If you’re willing to do that, you’re well on your way to building a company culture that aligns with the brand you want to build. Tony Hsieh, CEO of Zappos.
Tips for entrepreneurs #12
12. If you’re offered a seat on a rocket, don’t ask which seat you get. Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook.
13. Every moment in business only happens once. The next Bill Gates won’t build an operating system, the next Larry Page or Sergey Brin won’t build a search engine, and the next Mark Zuckerberg won’t build a social network.
If you’re trying to imitate them, you’ve learned nothing from them. Peter Thiel, Co-founder of Paypal.
14. Don’t you dare underestimate your instinct, it’s a lifeline for sharks and entrepreneurs. Also, many people remember the times when they ignored it simply to regret it.
Learning to listen to your gut is a form of self-preservation and it can be incredibly easy and difficult at the same time, but it’s worth mastering. Barbara Corcoran, American businesswoman and TV celebrity (shark tank).
fifteen. It’s okay to celebrate triumphs, but it’s more important to pay attention to the lessons that failures leave behind. Bill Gates, Founder of Microsoft.
The experiences of great leaders become a road map for those who are starting the journey. And it is for this reason that it is important to listen to them and take their advice to shorten the curves of the process.
Lastly, we hope they motivate you and help you meet your goals 🙂
If you are really interested in creating your own business and want to find more information on this subject, buy our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.