In this article you will know 15 laws of growth staff to know yourself and develop your potential.
Undertaking requires learning more and more about the market in which we want to enter, and without realizing it, we begin to know more and more about ourselves.
Evolution is not only inevitable but necessary. So in the same way that we can follow other entrepreneurs, to learn from their strategic moves; we can also learn from them to evolve as people.
John C. Maxwell, is a speaker and writer. Among his 60 or so books, he has sold more than 20 million copies, and some of them have been bestsellers and have been translated into more than 50 languages.
His main focus is leadership and personal development, which is why in his book entitled The 15 Indispensable Laws of Growth: Live Them and Reach Your Potentialsummarizes much of his knowledge acquired in more than 50 years of professional career.
He assures that there are true laws of growth that will surely make all people reach their potential. Would you like to know which ones are they? Find them below.
15 laws of personal growth.
1. The law of intentionality.
To reach our potential we must work for it. We must go out and look for opportunities; it is not enough to simply go through life expecting to find the knowledge necessary to achieve our goals.
Improving depends on ourselves. You must have the intention of creating your own opportunities.
2. The law of conscience.
Life constantly presents us with challenges and we must know each other enough to know if we accept them or not.
On the one hand, it is taking risks and being successful; on the other, there is doing nothing and being one more than the average.
3. The law of the mirror.
We must see ourselves in order to give ourselves value. By knowing how we are, we can design plans and follow purposes imposed by ourselves and not by someone else.
We must be in control of our decisions and actions. We must also be responsible for the results we get in our lives.
4. The law of reflection.
The ultimate goal is to reach our potential and for this we must be able to pause and question ourselves if we are doing things towards that goal.
5. The law of consistency.
Motivation allows us to move forward, discipline allows us to grow.
We must be aware that consistency is the bridge between goals and achievements, and we must cross that bridge every day.
6. The law of the environment.
Growth thrives in the right environments. Each decision made will bring criticism, and depending on the environment we are in, we can move forward or start to go backwards.
7. The law of design.
We can follow other people’s strategies to reach our potential, but it is important to adapt them according to our needs. In this way we can work better on our strengths and achieve our goals.
8. The law of pain.
Good handling of bad experiences brings great growth. Regardless of what we have been through or are going through at all times; we can learn from ourselves and evolve to reach our potential.
In short, we must have great emotional intelligence.
9. The law of the ladder.
We seek to be who we should be, but not to be where we want to be.
The reason is simple, no matter how or when, we must always be comprehensive; we must mature the soul, and thus the achievements will come. And most importantly, we can keep them.
10. The law of rubber.
We stop growing when the tension between where we are and where we want to be is lost.
With the passage of time, people begin to lose that tension and not wanting to go further makes them less productive.
11. The law of compensation.
We must give to grow. Our mind must be able to let go of some things (no matter how much we have fought for them), in order to continue growing.
12. The law of curiosity.
Curious people grow faster, since by asking questions they begin to break down the barriers of knowledge.
The thirst for learning and exploration allows them to achieve development.
13. The law of modeling.
It is difficult to improve if we follow ourselves. The people around us are 95% of our success or our failure.
Find good leaders, good examples and positive friendships that allow you to accelerate your development. Try to surround yourself with these types of people.
14. The law of expansion.
Growth never stops if we have the necessary attitude. The more development, the more capacity to grow. Keeping in mind that is what allows the best to be the best.
15. The law of the contribution.
Our growth influences those around us and allows them to grow. The best gift we can offer someone is our growth.
you are 15 laws of growth They are a perfect summary of the areas in which everyone must work in order to grow. Go through them and analyze which one you need to work on the most.
We hope this information has been a great contribution to you 🙂
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can purchase our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.