It is normal to feel stress when carrying out activities of great importance and responsibility. However, it is not right to fall into a routine where stress is part of everyday life, so it is very important to know how to manage stress.
The first thing is to understand what stress is.
What is stress.
Stress is a physical, mental or emotional reaction; in which various defense mechanisms of the body are activated to face situations, generally threatening.
Despite being a natural and necessary response for our survival, the current pace of life leads many people to constantly live with stress.
It is important to know what are the symptoms of stress.
Stress symptoms.
As you saw before, the body’s reaction to stress can be physical, mental, or emotional. Therefore, the symptoms are spread over those 3 areas.
Physical symptoms of stress.
- Low energy.
- Muscle tension.
- High tension.
- Loss of sexual desire.
- Nervousness.
- Dry mouth.
- Headaches.
Mental symptoms of stress.
- Loss of concentration.
- Frequent forgetfulness.
- Disorganization.
Emotional symptoms of stress.
- Difficulty relaxing.
- Frustration.
- Lack of concentration.
- Pessimism.
- Isolation desires.
It should be noted that all bodies react differently. In addition, what generates stress in a person; it does not necessarily generate it in another.
As you can see, the symptoms can affect many areas of your life. That’s why it’s vital to know how to manage stress.
But before seeing it, we must know what are the consequences of stress long-term.
Consequences of stress.
- Mental problems, such as depression and anxiety. (If you want to know how to combat anxiety, click here)
- eating disorders
- Skin problems, such as acne and psoriasis.
- Erectile dysfunction.
- Gastrointestinal problems, such as gastritis and irritable bowel.
If you have several of the symptoms and you identify with the above consequences, it is essential that you know how to manage stress.
How to manage stress.
1. Exercise.
When doing physical activity, the body decreases the production of cortisol, a hormone released in response to stress, and releases adrenaline, serotonin, and dopamine (helps regulate sleep) that give us a sense of well-being.
At the same time, endorphin is released, an opioid neurotransmitter that has very important functions for health, such as reducing pain and blood pressure, improving mood, among others.
In the 1970s, it was found that drugs such as opium, heroin and morphine stimulate specific receptors in the brain and have a chemical structure similar to that of endorphin, hence the feeling of satisfaction after exercise.
Various relaxation techniques such as yoga and tai-chi regulate blood pressure, make it easier to fall asleep, improve the immune and digestive systems, and are directly related to reducing anxiety.
even something so simple how to know how to breathethey will help you a lot so that you know how to manage stress.
2. Socialize.
Loneliness is one of the worst enemies of stress and is related to the increase in cardiovascular diseases and sleep disorders. So don’t stop sharing time with your loved ones.
Also read: How to make good connections and why they are so important.
3. Have a healthy diet.
When stressed, the body decreases the production of serotonin, a chemical substance that works as a neurotransmitter and that is related to the regulation of sleep and improving mood. It is recommended to consume nuts and avocados, since they are foods that contain tryptophan, which is the precursor amino acid of serotonin.
Various studies also speak of the importance of magnesium in the fight against stress, so foods such as cocoa powder, flax and sunflower seeds, green leafy vegetables and shellfish, among others, play a very important role.
Also read: Eating tips to improve your productivity.
4. Plan and be in control.
Having an organized agenda and knowing how to plan activities makes everyday life easier.
To the extent that there are priorities and it is known which activities are more important and take more time to carry out; we will not be running against the clock and submitting ourselves to stressful situations.
Also keep in mind that you should not abuse bad habits such as smoking, since it increases blood pressure and cortisol levels.
Read also: Incredible method to achieve goals (It is used by large companies)
5. Laugh more.
The study led by Mary Payne Bennett called “Humor and Laughter May Influence Health: III. Laughter and Health Outcomes”, examines how laughter influences psychological and physiological well-being and, in turn, muscle tension and cardio-respiratory function.
As a result of different experiments, it was concluded that being exposed to environments related to humor (watching movies or listening to jokes) lowers blood pressure and reduces anxiety levels.
There are other techniques for managing stress. But first we need a favor. Simply vote from 1 to 5, to see how you have found this article so far. Thank you!
Other techniques to learn how to manage stress.
- Keep a positive attitude.
- Accept that you can’t control everything.
- Increase your emotional intelligence to understand your emotions.
- Meditate.
- Practice hobbies.
- Avoid alcohol and drug use.
- Sleep well. These two articles may help you:
- Learn how to sleep well.
- Learn how to sleep smart.
There are many ways to combat stress. And the best thing is that they are available to everyone.
Remember that the main thing is not to let small symptoms turn into serious consequences. For this reason, it is important that you apply the strategies and do not let stress become a burden in your life.
We hope this information is helpful 🙂
And remember, if you are really interested in creating your own business, you can purchase our book “How to create a company while working: Discover how to manage your time, manage your money and motivate yourself while creating a company and working for another” , where you will find all the information you need to found your own company, without having to leave your job.